The Search

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     It had been Rose who really made it happen. She knew all of the strings that needed to be pulled, the right thing to say to get Carson to release Jimmy from his duties, and how to get herself quickly packed for the trip.

     While Rose was doing this, Jimmy had taken it upon himself to quickly pack his own things, although Teddy dreaded seeing what the inside of his case looked like. The footman had not even taken the time to change out of his livery, which, luckily for him, Carson was not around to see.

     And so, they were off before the final meal of the day, taking the car to the train station and getting tickets for the next train.

     They stood together on the platform as they waited, the reality of what Teddy was planning to do finally sinking in.

     For some reason, he couldn't help but picture Thomas being mad. He couldn't say why. The thought of it was almost enough for Teddy to turn around right there and say that this was all a mistake. But then he remembered the looks Abi and Percy had given him and his conversation with Mrs. Hughes. Hadn't all three of them said that Thomas should know? It was three against one.

     "Teddy?" Theodore and his two companions looked to the right at the sound of Simon's voice. He gave the other boy a small smile.

     "Hello, Simon." Simon glanced down at the ticket in Teddy's hand, eyes widening.

     "London?" Teddy nodded. "What do you have to do there?"

     "Some family business, that's all," Teddy responded, looking down at his ticket and checking the time on it.

     "In that case, I hope it goes well for you," Simon said with a nod. Teddy smiled gratefully. Simon began to leave, saying that he had a few odd jobs to get done; however, he turned back as he walked away to leave Teddy with one last piece of information.

     "Oh, I don't know if you saw, but our new teacher is gonna have some sort of school dance in a couple of weeks. We're to wear our Sunday best, apparently."

     Simon was gone, and all Teddy was left to do was groan. Jimmy ruffled his hair.

     "Come on, Tedders. A dance can't be that bad."

     Teddy looked up at Jimmy and Rose, quite positive that neither of them would understand where he was coming from.

     "I can't dance, I have nothing to wear, and I already have to go to a wedding too."

     Rose and Jimmy exchanged a glace, but neither of them got a chance to reply, as the train pulled into the station, and the three of them prepared to board.

     The train ride remained mainly uneventful, with Jimmy and Rose repeatedly attempting to start conversations with Teddy. Eventually, Jimmy just asked what Teddy assumed they had been trying to get to the whole time.

    "Why the sudden need to see your dad?" Teddy sighed, closing the book that he had been attempting to read. 

     "I'm not sure that it's any of your business but, since I know you'll pester me until I tell you, there's an important matter that I need to tell him the truth about and, if I don't do it now, I don't think I ever will."

     Jimmy leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms. 

     "Alright, first of all, I just dropped everything at the last minute to come with you to London, so that makes it my business. Secondly-"

     "I didn't ask you to come!"

     "Secondly," Jimmy repeated, giving Teddy a pointed look to not cut him off again. Teddy had a feeling that he had seen the same look on Thomas' face before and therefore decided to shut his mouth. "I do not appreciate the lack of information you're providing."

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