The Next Step

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      Theodore had opted not to contact Syndey again, and he had found himself lucky enough to not hear from any of the Knightons again as the next two months passed. 

     He sat at the table on a Saturday in his livery, eating with the other staff and vaguely listening to Molesley discuss all of the things he planned to do while they were in London. It all sounded exciting, but Teddy would not be offering to join him. 

     All he planned to do was visit the Douglases and get a tour of the St. Raphael's campus. 

     "Ah, the date of the unveiling," Carson murmured from his seat, looking at the paper in his hands. 

     "Of the memorial?" Mrs. Hughes inquired. "When is it?"

     "On the 25th, so we'll just be back from the wedding," Carson replied, then turned to the group.

     "Everyone, we will be unveiling the war memorial in the village at twelve noon on the 25th. I'd like the house to be well-represented."

     The staff gave their assent while Mrs. Patmore turned to speak to Mr. Carson. Teddy waited for her to be finished giving her excuses before he spoke. 

    "Mr. Carson," he said, causing the man to turn to look at him. "I'm in school on the 25th-"

     "Don't fret, Theodore. I believe that they want the students at the unveiling as well."

     "Oh, good to know."

      "I've been catching glimpses of your cake," Teddy told Rose as he served her tea in the small library a few hours later. Music emitted from the wireless as he work, the lady smiling at him. "It looks wonderful."

     "Oh, I'm glad!" Rose said excitedly. "I just want everything to go as perfectly as possible."

     "You're not the first bride to want that," Teddy said with a smile, handing her the teacup. Rose took it with a nod of thanks.

     "I'm so glad that you'll be coming," Rose said. "I was worried that you would want to stay here for school."

     "And miss one of the most important days in your life?" Teddy responded. "Never! Besides, I am doing something school-related while I'm there. I've arranged to have a tour of one of the universities I'm looking at."

     "Oh, that's exciting!" Rose exclaimed. "Tell me everything!"

      Unpacking in London was chaos, though Thomas assured Teddy that this was typical. So, Theodore assisted in placing cases in proper piles to be brought to their respective rooms. 

     "All of you," Mrs. Hughes' voice broke through the shuffling of people moving around the cases. "Andy here will be an extra footman while we're in London. Please be helpful to him."

     "Starting at dinner tonight?" Anna asked as she moved toward him. Teddy listened curiously. Why did they need a third footman?

     "Yeah, that's the idea," Andy responded with a smile. Theodore turned back to Thomas, expecting more directions, but the underbutler was looking curiously at the newest footman. 

     "How did Mr. Carson find you?" Thomas asked. 

     "I was working as a hall boy. Mr. Carson rang my old butler to see if he had any ideas."

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