Funeral and Friendship

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     Lavinia Swire had succumbed to the flu. Teddy hadn't known her very well, but she had seemed like a very nice person, and the thought of her being gone was a sad one. 

     He attended the funeral with everyone else, staying close to his father the whole time. He felt that his bond with his father had been strengthened over the past few days, and was glad that he was with him on this day.

     He saw Lord Grantham discussing something with Lady Sybil and Mr. Branson, but he decided that it wasn't any of his business and turned his attention elsewhere. Mr. Bates and Anna seemed to have something going on between them, he wasn't sure what. Deciding that that also wasn't his business, he finally turned his attention to his father again.

    "When do you think my isolation will end?" He asked for what felt like the millionth time. Thomas sighed.

     "Now, I suppose." He said. Teddy's eyes lit up at this.


     "The worst of it is over, it seems. There's no point in keeping you locked up anymore." Teddy grinned and gave his dad a hug. He supposed that now wasn't the best time for being so happy, but he had been terribly lonely and he was dying to see his friends again. Alright, maybe that wasn't the best metaphor to use at a funeral, but his point was made.

     Policemen were waiting for them at Downton upon their return from the funeral.

     Mr. Bates had been arrested for the murder of his wife. Everyone had watched it happen. Teddy didn't know what to think. He'd seen all different sides of the man, but he didn't think murder was something he would stoop to. In fact, he wasn't sure anyone in this house would commit such a crime, no matter the circumstance. To take someone's life would not only bring great guilt upon yourself, but great consequences if you got caught. And here Teddy was, watching those consequences play out as Mr. Bates was handcuffed and being escorted away. 

    There would be a trial, but Teddy knew he would most likely not be attending. He didn't mind, but he would be very nervous for Mr. Bates while he waited here at home. Mr. Bates had helped him when he needed it while his father was away. Teddy wasn't one to forget when people helped him, and he did like Bates. Thomas didn't seem too worried, but he and Mr. Bates had never gotten along very well, so Teddy wasn't surprised. The only person he had really ever seen Thomas worry about, other than the two of them, was Lieutenant Courtenay a few years ago. And he knew how that one ended up. 

     As Bates was forced out of the building, Thomas put a hand on Teddy's shoulder and moved him away from the group of people. "Why don't you go out and find some of your friends?" Teddy knew this was Thomas' way of saying he should leave, so that was exactly what Teddy did. Grabbing his hat and coat, Teddy put them both on before walking out of the room and out into town.

      Teddy found Abigail sitting alone on a bench out in front of her house. He took off his hat as he approached her, not being noticed by the girl until she was right next to the bench.

     "Oh. Teddy," She said with a small smile upon realizing who it was. "Hello."

     "May I sit?" He asked, his hat clutched in his hands. Abi nodded, moving over on the bench to give him some space. Teddy sat next to her, staring out in front of them before looking at his friend.

     "Is everything alright?" Abigail shrugged, looking out ahead at her, though there was nothing there.

     "My papa's coming home today," She said, which just confused Teddy even more.

     "Isn't that a good thing?" Abi looked at him, realization crossing her face.

     "Of course. You wouldn't know." Teddy was just about to ask what when Abi continued. "My father fell ill with the influenza while he was in London." Teddy frowned, watching as Abi turned her head away.

     "Oh, Abi. I'm sorry." He said, putting a gentle hand on her arm.

     "He's well enough to travel, so I'm hoping that's good news." She said, moving a bit closer to Teddy for the comfort of having her friend there.

     "That sounds promising," Teddy said, giving Abi another small smile.

     "Mama went to London yesterday to see him," Abigail explained. Teddy had a feeling that she'd already shared this information with Everett and Percy while he was stuck in his room. He wished he could have been there for her when she found out, as it must have been very hard. "It's just been me and our maid, Amy."

     "I'm sorry I couldn't be around. I tried to get out of my room but Dad had me stuck in there."

     "It's alright. I don't blame you, or him." Abi leaned her head against Teddy's shoulder. Teddy put his arm around her and just sat there with her, there to comfort his friend in her time of need. A few tears fell from the girl's eyes and she reached up to wipe them away.

     "If you need anything, let me know," Teddy said, holding Abi close to him. 

     "Thank you, Teddy. I will." 

     And, with that, Teddy and Abi sat there in comfortable silence, knowing that they had a friend with them no matter what.

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