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     It had been about a week since Teddy had started taking food for Percy. He had, somehow, been able to get into the pantry every day, which was quite surprising. Everett and Abigail didn't know about Percy's misfortunes at home. It had become an unspoken agreement between the two that no one else would need to know, and Theodore wanted to keep it that way.

     However, it became hard to keep this secret when Mrs. Patmore began to notice that food was missing from her stores.

     "I'll telling you, it was there yesterday!" The redhead was saying to Mrs. Hughes, both of the ladies standing in the doorway to the kitchen. 

     "Well, obviously not," Hughes responded as Teddy sat silently at the table, staring at his book and finding himself unable to actually read the words. "Food doesn't just walk away."

      "Perhaps someone took it." Daisy offered her opinion from somewhere in the kitchen. Slowly, Teddy flipped the page of his book, trying not to draw any attention to himself. 

     "How could someone take it? I have the key." Mrs. Hughes said, patting the ring of keys on her waist. 

     "I don't know how or why it's gone, I just know that it is!" Mrs. Patmore walked into the kitchen, as she still had a meal to prepare. Hughes followed her and Teddy could no longer hear the conversation over the clatter of the kitchen maids preparing food for Lord Grantham and his family.

     Teddy could feel his heart in his throat. What if they found out it was him? What if they found out and he got in trouble? Teddy closed his book and retreated upstairs to his room, not wanting to draw any attention to himself at the moment.

     Carson stood before the servants, the slightest look of disappointment on his face. He was explaining that someone had been taking from the kitchens. Teddy was seated at his chair, quietly staring up at Carson as some of the others looked at each other and began to whisper. They were probably discussing who they thought it had been. And with Thomas not there, that narrowed down their options. Carson continued;

     "Mrs. Hughes and I knew our thief wouldn't confess right away-" Thief? Was that what he was now? "So, we decided that no one will be served their food until someone comes forward." Teddy froze. None of these people would get to eat because he took the food? But that was why he had taken it! To feed someone who wasn't allowed to eat!

     It took him a few seconds to realize that there were tears falling down his face, although no one else seemed to notice. They were too upset by Carson's punishment, which Teddy found reasonable. Before even thinking, Teddy stood up and looked at where Carson was at the head of the table. 

     "I'm sorry!" He blurted out, then, out of pure embarrassment, wiped his tears away, trying to look a bit more manly. 

     "Theodore?" Carson looked at him, clearly shocked. "You did it?" Teddy nodded.

     "I'm sorry! I had to! They were starving him!"

     "Starving who?" Anna asked from where she was sitting across the table. Teddy looked at her, trying to stop more tears from forming in his eyes. He was going to be in so much trouble for this...

     "My friend, Percy. He's staying with his aunt and uncle and they won't let him eat!" Teddy's eyes were wide, but the look on Anna's face helped to calm him down a bit. She didn't look mad at him. She seemed to understand more than anything else. 

     "So you took the food for your friend?" Mrs. Hughes asked, standing next to Carson. Teddy looked at her and nodded, once again having to wipe his tears away from his face. 

     "I'd like to meet this friend of yours." Mr. Carson said. Teddy bit his lip. Percy had helped him to better understand why people didn't tend to like him, and Theodore knew Carson well enough to know that he wouldn't be too happy about Percy's darker complexion. 

     "Well, he's probably at home right now. His aunt and uncle like him to be there before dinner." 

     "Not now. We have our own meal to eat. Now sit down, Theodore." And Theodore did just that, wondering if there would be any more punishment in the future. 

     Dear Dad,

Downton has seemed terribly boring lately, especially without you here. You always made things more fun. I remember that you used to give me piggyback rides when you weren't busy, and I remember enjoying them very much. But you have more important things to do right now. 

I almost got into trouble today. They found out that I've been stealing food from the kitchens. I promise I had a good reason! My friend Percy needed it. He's staying with his aunt and uncle while his father helps in the war, and they have barely been feeding him at all. Percy says it's because they don't like his mother, but I just think it's because his aunt and uncle are bad people. I didn't tell him that though.

My other friends are Abigail and Everett. I've told you about them before. Everett's older brother was a soldier, but apparently he's not coming home. That's what his parents told him, but Everett is still hopeful.

I have to go help Mr. Carson polish the silver now. He says that's my punishment for taking the food. I'm sure it would have been a worse punishment if it hadn't been for Percy. 

I miss you lots, and I hope you come home soon.


     Thomas slipped the letter into his pocket, taking a shaky breath. He had to agree with Teddy on one thing; he hoped he could go home soon too. He had thought he would have been safer, taking the job he had, but he had been sent out to the trenches along with many other men. Thomas stumbled through the trenches, trying to clear his mind of the unpleasant things he had been forced to see. 

     One man entered his mind, a fellow medic who had been helping him to carry a man on a stretcher through the stench-filled trenches. They had both stopped for a minute, taking cover from the many things being shot their way, when the man had a bullet shot straight through his head. 

     Thomas was certain that he couldn't let something like that happen to him. He had a life to live, after all, and a child to look after. Perhaps after this war was finally over with, his life would take a turn for the better... But for now, he needed to survive. He was stuck here, after all. 

     Slumping against the wall and pulling out a cigarette, Thomas suddenly had another thought. Unless he could be sent home for another reason. He dropped the cigarette and held his lighter in his hand, slowly lifting it above the trench wall, trembling as he exposed his hand to enemy sight. 

     A gun shot was heard.

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