\\Chapter 10//

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[Your POV]

I have really no idea of why cherry freak came. It's already enough with all this craziness and this keeps happening. This is what I get for seeking trouble.

-(Y/N)? Can we talk?

-No one's here. Get out!

-You know I can't do that.

-Let me guess, because you're the freaking boss?

-Exactly!-he got exited like if I'm in the mood for this. By hearing his voice, I knew it was Osomatsu.

-(Y/N), let me in. That's my office.

-What part of "no one's is here" you didn't understand?

-If no one is there then, who's talking to me?-he then sighed as a sign that he was already annoyed. I completely ignored him. I was just staring at the wall with my arms crossed. This situation is seriously on my nerves. He didn't dare to beg me again to open the door. It passed like 2 minutes of silence.

-Finally. Did he got away?-I thought curious but as soon I heard the door cracked, I realized it was open and he managed to get inside.

-Oh! Seriously? It was open.-he whined disappointed.

-Because you're dumber than usual.

-You're the one who didn't say anything! I waited like a jerk at the door of my OWN office.-he try to sound offended.

-Aww, so sorry about that.-I quote one of the X-men character's lines sarcastically.

-You haven't changed a bit, my Gaga-

-Say it and you'll be chicken wings in the morning.

-Ok, ok! Sorry! I was gonna say, (Y/N)...

-Understand that there's no you and me. Anymore!

-I know...

-Now, I need you to answer me some questions.-I thought that at least this is my chance to clarify some of my doubts.

-Of course. That's why I came here.

-How come you haven't told me that you're the boss of a mafia?

-When you and I were together, I didn't want you to get involved in a serious situation.

-Not too serious, is a TWISTED and CRAZY situation.

-I know! Even if before I succeeded, this time it didn't. Because you're not with me anymore.

-If I was still with you, one day, I'll fall in this mess. You see? Still, it happened.

-But how did you found out about the mafia?

-Is a long story.-I explain to him everything, trying to be brief and precise as possible.

-I see. Those scumbags hurt your friend and they were gonna attack my brothers. You got in and saved them by...-he suddenly frozed until he stared at me with wide open eyes.




-Regardless, this doesn't surprised me from you. What worries me is that you killed those two.

-What about them?-I try to sound worried but to be honest, I wasn't.

-They were important members of our enemy.

-You mean...?

-Yes. You're in serious trouble right now. Including us.

The Gamer and The Lover: Mafia! Ichimatsu x Gamer! Reader Where stories live. Discover now