\\Chapter 16//

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[Normal POV]

The situation was confusing for Ken. You and Ken have known each other ever since high school. Not to mention that he was your ex. You didn't expect to see him, especially been involved in a mafia. You just think about Harper than the situation with him. What does he want with Harper or better, what does his boss want with Harper?

You may probably have a clue but you need answers. Probably you won't get them that easily, so you'll better start to move your army into business.

[Your POV]

His facial expression is priceless. If I was in a good mood, I could have take a picture.


-Took you long enough.

-I need a minute to process...-he looked exhausted. Having a hard time to believe that we just met; once again. Seconds start to fly away as the awkward silence keeps us company. From my status, I was starting to get impatient.

-Well...? You're ok?-he took a deep breath and calmed himself. I thought he was gonna start to flirt with me but he was rather serious.

-Mind telling me what's going on?

I wasn't sure if to be honest with him or not. He's in a freaking mafia that is against the sextuplets. I think I can handle this. Besides, is Ken after all. What can go wrong?

-Ever heard of the famous sextuplets?-I don't know why I keep using that word "famous". It must be a joke.

-Yes, I heard of them. Why...?

-They have a mafia and now...

-Now what?

-I'm their freaking boss.-there it go. I spill it out like no big deal. Ken stood frozen for a couple of seconds. Staring at me with blank emotion. Probably he was shocked or he's just messing around with me.


He suddenly start to laugh so hard. It really annoyed me. I just crossed my arms and watch him dying of laughter until his stomach hurts. His status doesn't make me laugh at all.

-You know, you got me there. That was a good joke.-he was trying to take his break so he can speak properly. Gaining some oxygen. I didn't say a word. Just kept giving him a death stare and he knows what I'm capable of. Ken suddenly gave a light smile. I could tell that he's finally getting the point of my reaction.


-I wish I was, idiot.-he was obviously shocked. He couldn't believe what he just heard. However, this manner is just getting interesting. If I'm gonna need his help, I don't have an option to tell him the truth.

-Look, I won't tell you everything and I don't have time for that. So I need your help.

-My help? What kind of help you need?

-Ok, no strings, it involves killing.

-Ok, who and why...?

-The king of the underworld, Scar.


-And you don't know your boss?

-Wait! Oscar!?

-Yes because he's a traitor and is trying to do something stupid. Something that you know.

-Forget it!

-What?-he gave me his back once again. Staring at the wall with his arms crossed. Obviously he refused to help me. Which is quite intriguing.

-Mind telling me why?-he stayed silent. Not answering my questions. I was starting to get pissed.

The Gamer and The Lover: Mafia! Ichimatsu x Gamer! Reader Where stories live. Discover now