\\Chapter 19//

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[Normal POV]

Meanwhile at the Matsu's hideout...

Osomatsu's phone starts to ring crazy at his office but he never picks it up. He was busy, speaking some topics of the mob life with his little brother Ichimatsu. However, a voicemail box starts to sound in the entire office.

—Hello! This is Osomatsu speaking. Please leave me a message and go away. However, if you're a cutie pie, I might gave in.

—Osomatsu, it's me! Jayden. I don't know where my sister (Y/N) go. I was hugging her and then she stormed out. I HAVE NO IDEA! PLEASE CALL ME SOON!

[Your POV]

I need to see them. I need my space alone. I need to find a way to wake up from this horrible nightmare. I hope Harper wakes me up just like it happened before.

I arrived at her parent's house. I knock the door desperately. When it got open, it was her mother. Already sad and dressed with black outfit. Obviously, their daughter died. She was so surprised when she saw me, all injured and face them.


I couldn't say a word. I only start crying again. Immediately, Mrs. González hugged me silently but she couldn't contain some tears. Her daughter and only child has died before her. It's understandable.


She proceeds by leaving me in Harper's room cuz' I asked her to do so.

—Take any time you need.

—Thank you, Mrs. González...—I barely whisper but she could hear it. As she leaves me alone, I was staring at Harper's room. Such memories start to popped in my mind as I keep scanning her room.


Some years ago.

There was Harper and me trying to play the game she wanted.

—Come on, (Y/N)! I wanna play hide and seek.

—That's for children.

—But, we are kids.

—Kids? We're 12 years old Harper. Deal with it.—I crossed my arms like I'm already an adult.

—Party pooper.


We both laughed until our tummies hurt. Once we catch our breath, Harper kept insisting with joy.

—Let's do this, (Y/N). One day we'll grew up and we won't have time for any of this.

I sighed and try to consider; since she doesn't stop being persistent.

—Fine! I'm gonna start counting.


We both start laughing together. Actually, it was really fun. Every time I spent with Harper, it was worth it and comforting. I actually never felt alone.


After remembering many things, I couldn't stop crying. Now, I don't have Harper by my side. The guilt and despair was hitting me hard in each second and minute that passes.

[Normal POV]

After her funeral, you were daily visiting your best friend's graveyard. At first days, you haven't been able to stop crying. You could dehydrate but you didn't careless. Regardless, as time keeps passing and you kept visiting, your eyes were already so dry that not a little tear shows itself anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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