\\Chapter 13//

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[Normal POV]

As you both finally arrived at the hide out, most of the mafia were reunited, which you didn't notice. You immediately found a room that it was available in the hideout. You ignore completely the ambience and haven't realized why they were reunited. As for Karamatsu, he didn't stop you. He knew you need some time alone. He couldn't make you better as he started to feel some guilt. However, his time to relax is over as Choromatsu approaches to him upset.

-Where have you been all this time!?-Karamatsu tecnically rolled his eyes for the first time. Does that mean he's been influenced by you?

-Did you just rolled your eyes?

-Look, brother. There's something I need to tell you. Can you keep a secret?-he ignored Choromatsu's irritated question as he proceeds to put him off guard by the sudden change of subject. Choromatsu went curious and decide to listen.

[Your POV]

How occupied my mind was and my emotions making me feel like I'm about to lose my sanity, drained my energy and fall fast asleep. However, as I woke up, I heard a sudden venom and despicable voice that wasn't torturing my peace for a while.

-Did you get some nice sleep?


-No, who else?-he respond with his usual self while crossing his arms. Most of all the brothers were here. Except Totty and Osomatsu.

-You psycho... How did you find me?-I asked him tired while standing up from the comfy bed.

-Sorry, (Y/N)! Choromatsu said he can keep a secret! I'm starting to hate you, niisan.-from the entrance, Karamatsu yelled at me while giving his brother an angry burst. Choromatsu rolled his eyes and try to ignore him.

-The feeling is mutual.

-Now they're having a sibling bonding.-I thought while doing a facepalm. On the other hand, Ichimatsu decides to threat me with his gun. Now he's having the guts to kill me?

-Any last words?

-Whoa, hold your horses. What did I do?- I pretend to play dumb but calm.

-Don't try to manipulate me, (Y/N).

-Seriously, after I saved you?

-I'll remind you that you're not dealing with my stupid old brother. You hacked our system and refused to be part of our gang.-he proceeded to rub in my face all my "crimes". What choice did I have?


-And of course! To make matters worse, you already know every single one of us including my brothers.

-And for that, you decide to punish me by killing me?

-I told you earlier, didn't I? You only have two choices. To join or get killed.

-I can see why he haven't made friends. This idiot...-I thought while I sigh.

-Don't play cocky, (Y/N)! I'm pointing my gun at you. So again, any last words?-as he proceed to threat me once more, my mind runs quickly to search for a perfect plan to fool this idiot and escaped. However, it didn't took me long enough to figured it out. Sometimes, is easy to deal with this neko dork.

-Yeah, why is Pauline here?

-What? Pauline?-he quickly turned around to see if Pauline was there. However, he wasn't the only one. The rest of his brothers too. That's why they're famous I guess. Their idiotcity makes them unique. Despite their different personalities.

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