\\Chapter 12//

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[Normal P.O.V]

-I wonder what (Y/N)'s doing...?-a dear old friend lies into the coach, thinking of the person who she considers her sister. After her coma, she didn't knew nothing more about her since the last time she spoke with her in the phone. Still, no matter the case, suddenly a knock in her door is heard.

-Coming!-as she approach to the door, she didn't expect the person who could be. It was the same person that was in her thoughts for a while.


-Hey, Harper!-she greets with a forced smile which intrigues her friend. On the other hand, she wasn't alone. A young men was by her side.

-(Y/N)...who is he?

-Oh! Who you mean?-she suddenly played like she understood but then changes to a dumb mode. Harper is not that stupid to not understand her friend's change of attitude or thought.

-Hey, that's mean my Kara-

-I know we have a lot to talk.-(Y/N) proceeds to speak so she can interrupt Karamatsu. Even if she didn't thought something to speak with. She just acted like she didn't follow what her brain commands. She just only pictured in her mind her objective to keep Karamatsu's mouth shut. She knew he can screw the manner and probably ruined her friendship with Harper. That was her worry.

-Yeah, you have to give a serious explanation.-Harper crosses her arms. Hinting that she's upset with the case.

-As an introduction, don't mind whoever is beside me. He's just Johnny Bravo been his usual self.

-(Y/N), Johnny Bravo is a fictional character...

-And don't you know that real actors can give them life don't you? Like live action; for example?

-Seriously, (Y/N). You need to stop watching tv...-Harper sighed annoyed but deep within her, she missed you a lot. She missed your sarcastic jokes and your annoying company. That's friendship goals, doesn't it? Instead you, you're clouded with a lot of things in your head. You were stressed out. You even are struggling if you're going to tell her the truth or not. What gives? Harper somehow ended up in this mess as well. Indirectly, of course. So you don't have an option but to tell her the truth. Especially that Karamatsu is there. You escaped from him a few moments ago but oddly, you changed your mind. Maybe cuz' you thought of a plan.

-Ok, Harper. You know I'm lazy to tell long stories so, I'll get straight to the point...-you took a deep breath and start to explain to your best friend everything. Barely everything.

-So...the sextuplets I mention to you...?



-Yes.-once again you respond with a determined answer. Harper was staring at you with a shock. Suddenly her eyes wide open like she finally stand in the ground.



-What the...I'M NOT A BIRD, (Y/N)!

-LIKE I CARE!-you both tecnically have been heard like you're arguing but it wasn't. You were both scared for life in the moment. However, this causes someone in the audience to enjoy. Karamatsu was laughing with all his might.

-So much tension! I can't take it!-he keep laughing until he couldn't breathe.

-That's right! Keep laughing until your tummy hurts. That'll be my cue.

-What?-he out of nowhere stopped laughing like if he was been threatened to death.

[Your POV]

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