\\Chapter 2//

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Please, wake up!


Don't die on me!


[Normal POV]

Those were the words that escape from your mouth. You were desperate, angry and sad at the same time. A bottle of emotions in which you can't tell how you feel. You were with a group of doctors; helping Harper to get her special service. They were running like nuts. She was unconscious and you were lost in your worries.

[Your POV]

-Miss, you'll have to wait here!- one of the nurses dare to order me.

-I won't freaking leave her! She's my best friend!- I know I have to follow orders. Is their job and they'll do anything for the patience's sake but I can't help it. I was scared, terrified that something will go wrong. What the hell, anyways. Harper has been shot! Still, I stayed in the waiting room. Tears starting to escape, I couldn't help with the desire to cry but I tried to hold it inside.

[Ichimatsu's POV]

I have no idea what am I doing in this hospital. I know that my mind is starting to run with my thoughts. I was smoking while my brother Jyushimatsu was speaking with one of our members.

-You know what happens if you don't do nothing! Now move your ass!- Jyushimatsu hangs up the phone.

-What's the problem?- I asked him chill. It seems that he has been possessed by me.

-Nothing! This stupid idiot tells me that the shipments are late.

-And you guys think I'm Donald Duck.- I sounded like if I have forgotten what he said seconds ago. I just wanted to get it off of my chest.


-Fine, fine. You know how those bastards work...- I gave him my back and then turn myself looking at him again.

-And that's why I'm chill!- and I knocked out my temper again.

-Right...- Jyushimatsu puts his guard up and take a few steps back. I sighed as a sign to calm myself and then continue smoking. However, things cannot be better when a nurse puts her nose to call my attention.

-Excuse me, sir. You can't smoke here.

-Sorry, miss. Won't happen again.- I winked at her so I won't lose it and she blushed. It worked after all and she leaves. When the nurse was gone, I rolled my eyes and Jyushimatsu stars to giggle.

-What's so funny?

-I can't believe you made a nurse fall for you.

-Shut up.- I thought he obeyed when a gave him that threat. Jyushimatsu looked at my side and then creates a puzzle expression, like starting to analyze the atmosphere.

-What now?

-I was looking at that girl... Isn't she the one who saved us?- I looked exactly where Jyushimatsu was looking. I was watching the same girl that I saw minutes ago. She was sad, talking to the phone.

-Yeah, it's her.

-Shall we go after her?- Jyushimatsu asked like he was feeling guilty. To be honest, it sounds fair. I only nodded him as a sign of agreement and we walked towards her. When we were getting close, she ends the call and started to cry. I know that this isn't good news. Something tells me this girl is dangerous.

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