\\Chapter 18//

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[Your POV]

I was reunited with Osomatsu at my office. My anxiety is driving me crazy while Osomatsu was scolding and talking to the phone. He was reporting to the mafia to be ready. I was impatient, the uncertainty is killing me. I couldn't just stand there doing nothing. I was like crazy walking in the office, walking in circles, even around my desk.

Once I stand alongside Osomatsu again, I screamed in desperation. Luckily, Osomatsu finished the phone call but he instantly dropped the phone cuz' of my jumpscare.

—(Y/N), please calm down.

—Excuse me!? That skinny king of the underworld took my best friend and who knows what he's doing to her right now, he shot her, she's in this state because of me, is my fault and who knows if HE EATS HER ALIVE!!—I kept accelerating as I speak without even taking a breath. Once I was done, I gasped and tried to catch my breath.

—Why he's going to eat her alive...?—is he serious? Is he trying to make me insane right now?

I screamed again.

Osomatsu sighed.

—Ok, (Y/N)! Listen, I already told them to be ready for tonight.

—What do you mean tonight?! I don't have enough time!

—(Y/N), is dangerous to attack now and that wouldn't be so smart to do so. Just...trust me.

The tension in my face disappeared for once as it changed with a saddened and worried expression. I was getting sick of this, even with myself. This is happening to Harper...because of me.

—We'll get her back. I promise.—for once I saw in Osomatsu a serious and calm determination. Despite the situation, he working on this with some focus. Somehow, I still can't fully trust him but this time, I'll try.

—Ok... Just please, don't mess this up...

—We won't.

[Normal POV]


The night came. Everyone was wearing dark uniforms, with sunglasses and some of them were preparing their weapons.

When you saw everything and got your attention, you were already, somehow, annoyed. Waiting for your uniform.

—As for you boss, you have to wear a disguise.—Totoko smirks like she has some sort of mischief under her sleeve.

—Say, I like the uniforms and all that but...is night and you're wearing sunglasses?

—That's part of fashion!—the other girl alongside Totoko spoke excited.

You gave a brief silence but with a killer glare.

—We need to hide our identities, boss. And second of all, this sunglasses have a camera attached to it and gives us a night vision.—Totoko proceed to explain with calming expression.

—What's this about? You wanna film Man in Black?

—We picked 3 options for you boss.—Totoko decides to ignore you.

"Did she ignored me?"

—Whatever! Let's do this.—you had a little bad feeling about this but you decided to follow. Harper's life is on the line.

—Shall we tell her...?—suddenly, the other girl whispers to Totoko's ear.

—Shut up! I was about to do that.—Totoko took a deep breath and when she was about to tell you...

You tried the first outfit. Once you got out, you really wanted to kill them instantly.

—Congratulations.—the girl stared annoyed at Totoko while she returns the same stare.

The Gamer and The Lover: Mafia! Ichimatsu x Gamer! Reader Where stories live. Discover now