\\Chapter 5//

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-Why am I supposed to be here?- I almost whispered so Ichimatsu wouldn't notice. I was by his side and on the other hand, two brothers of his were on my other side. Choromatsu clearly heard what I said so he quickly answered.

-Cause you found out about the mafia. Remember, every person who finds out about the mafia, is a game over cause you'll have two options...- as he tried to continue, I stopped him for a second.

-Yeah, yeah. Like heaven or hell.

-Exactly, but in this case is different.

-What does that mean?- I looked at him curious. Obviously in our little chat we were whispering, so Ichimatsu won't have his other burst.

-The two options are: you'll have to be part of the mafia or you just die.

-Marvelous.- I rolled my eyes while answering with sarcasm.

-Is it really that marvelous?- Jyushimatsu interfered. Is he serious or is he just pretending to being an idiot?

-Are you really that dumb?- when I accidentally spoke in my normal tune of voice, there was a silence. I didn't dare for a moment to stare at Ichimatsu. He was talking while I was having a tiny conversation with Choromatsu. Suddenly, he stopped speaking.

-Well, I'm death anyway.- I quickly thought and prepared myself to feel the bullet. Ironically, nothing happened until I heard the sound of a gun. Everybody inhale with surprise.

-TOTOKO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!- Ichimatsu shout out of nowhere and then I realized what is going on. That girl called Totoko was pointing the gun at my direction.

-What do you think I'm doing? This girl is speaking to your brother while you're talking. Isn't that rude, boss? Still, she doesn't want to be part of a mafia.

-How did she knew?- I was totally confused of this situation. This cannot be more crazier that it is. How does this b**ch know that I don't want to be part of a mafia?

-Totoko! PUT THAT GOD DAMN THING DOWN OR I'LL BE THE ONE TO STICK THE BULLET FIRST!- well, I didn't have to move a muscle anyway. What really surprised me is how Ichimatsu acted at this point. He defend me and then he got near me. He took my hands and whispers.

-Are you alright?


I thought he wanted to kill me. He actually give me a treat a few minutes ago and now, he's acting like my guardian. I never thought I could see he's soft side. For some reason I got nervous. I clearly don't understand what was I feeling in the moment.

-I-I'm fine.- I also don't understand myself sometimes. However, what he told me next it also catch me by surprise.

-We will talk later. Go to my house until I'm done.


-Don't worry, I'll explain later. Choromatsu!

-Yes?- his brother quickly respond. At least he didn't choose Jyushimatsu cuz' I don't know. He's stupid.

-Take (Y/N) to my house until I'm done. Keep an eye on her.

-Sure. Let's go, (Y/N).- and I don't know why I have a bad feeling. Just a tiny one.

-Don't have fun!- Jyushimatsu again interferes. That was the bad feeling.

-Jyushimatsu!- Ichimatsu quickly call his attention.

-Sorry, nii-san!

-Man, why didn't you pick me?- and Karamatsu became suddenly sad.

-Shut up, Shittymatsu.

The Gamer and The Lover: Mafia! Ichimatsu x Gamer! Reader Where stories live. Discover now