\\Chapter 15//

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[Your POV]

I'm never had such a beautiful sleep. This bed is comfortable and nice. It smells like flowers. It really is relaxing. I'll stay like this forever. Until Satan decides to mock and irritate me. The alarm make its sound.

-Why am I alive?-I thought while trying to wake up. I proceed to take a quick shower and pick an outfit which I had two options. Anyways, one of them was the best and I totally will feel like a freaking boss.

-Time to kick some a*s

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-Time to kick some a*s.-I was contemplating how I look. My God, I never felt so badass. Once again, the demons decide to ruin my mood like it happen to Anastasia. I heard the horn whistle coming from Osomatsu's car. I rolled my eyes but then proceed to leave.

As we were on our way, I knew Osomatsu San was gonna say something about my outfit. I know he's the most pervert of his brothers so I was with my guard up. However, his first comment was a surprise.

-(Y/N), why are you wearing such revealing outfit?

-What am I revealing pervert? You wish. And for your information, you're not my boyfriend.-he rolled his eyes and continues to drive. Obviously, I was seating in the car and he's quite busy driving. If I was the one driving it could be a different story.

[Ichimatsu's POV]

So I was speaking with some of my brothers about stuff I don't really want to speak about.

-So, how are things going with Pauline?-Choromatsu asked how's my relation with Pauline doing. Honestly, I wanna break up with her for real.

-I'll lie to you if I said "great", "fine"... How about romantic?

-Really?-Jyushimatsu asked me happier than usual.

-NO, NOT REALLY! She's a freaking pain in the a*s.

-I don't know why but you suddenly sounded like (Y/N)!-Jyushimatsu dares to compare me with that girl?

-Is because he said something sarcastic, Jyushimatsu.-Choromatsu sighed. Looks like he somehow agree with him.

-Oh yeah! Sarcastic!-he then proceeds to laugh.

-Anyway, do you guys want some coffee?-Choromatsu and I proceed to ignore Jyushimatsu by asking us about coffee.

-I'm good.-I assure him that I was ok and I didn't want coffee.

-Me too.-to my surprise Jyushimatsu said the same thing. That was good news. Seems he's hyper, he can't drink caffeine.

-Good redance.-as I for the first time sighed of relieved, my phone suddenly rings. As I figured out who it was, it got my attention. Well, not that much but I couldn't avoid my curiosity.

-Yes, boss?

-Gather everyone to the meeting room. Immediately. I have an important announcement.-Osomatsu called me with this tone of voice that I mostly didn't recognize him.

The Gamer and The Lover: Mafia! Ichimatsu x Gamer! Reader Where stories live. Discover now