\\Chapter 9//

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[Normal POV]


You don't have any idea what kind of disaster you're about to create but you just couldn't help it. Because of the shock and impression, you couldn't handle your burst. You forgot about everyone that is surrounding you. You know this people are not like ordinary ones like, citizens. You're in a


One wrong step and you're dead. Still, for now, nobody has killed you. Especially Ichimatsu. However, what are you going to do about Osomatsu?

[Your POV]

-(Y/N)-san, do you know my older brother?-Choromatsu asked me while I crossed my arms. Still staring at Osomatsu while he was getting close to me. How dare he show up? And that's not all...

"He's the actual BOSS of this mafia?"

Regardless, I just gave him a death stare. I even didn't answer Choromatsu's question. I was so distracted with Osomatsu. Of course, I was about to deal with this in my way.

-(Y/N)! It's so confusing but, is good to see you again.-he breaks the ice while scratching his hair. I still haven't said a word. I just answered him in other way. Without thinking it twice, with almost all my strength, I punched Osomatsu exactly in the face. He immediately collapse. This cause obviously to all the members to gasp of surprise. However, things got "better" when someone, in the exact moment, shows himself in the scene.

-(Y/N)!-Ichimatsu yelled my name as a sign that now he's going to play his Hades mode.

[Ichimatsu's POV]

I just can't believe what I just saw. (Y/N) punched my older brother in the face and immediately, he collapse. Lucky I just got in the exact moment. I took (Y/N) to my office and as I was asking her what she did, she was only staring at the wall with her arms crossed. Still pissed to be exact.

-(Y/N)! Why did you punched him?-I asked her over again; losing my patience.

-What do you care grape scum?

-He's my stupid older brother! That's why!

-Ohhh, I know you love him but I couldn't help it.

-One last time, (Y/N)... Why did you...punched him?-I try to ignore her this time or else. I was really desperate to know the reason she punched him. However, in some way, I was fine with it but because I'm the mini boss, I have to defend my family.

-Cause he's my stupid ex!! Happy!?

-Excuse me?!-I just couldn't believe what she said. That can't be possible.

-What did you just said?

-What you heard idiot. I'm not going to repeat myself.

-Then...if you two dated, how didn't I knew of you before?-this suddenly got so confusing. Then why Osomatsu-niisan never told me of (Y/N) before?

-Cause your brother is a cowardly dog.-she quickly answered me with a venom voice. I can't believe this time I try to laugh but I hold it inside. I could say that she's probably right. My brother is a dog but I don't know about being a "coward". Regardless, as I was going to ask her something else, a flash of memory popped into my mind.


In a Japanese bar...

-Now, Ichima-chan! How come you haven't found a girlfriend yet?-Osomatsu-niisan asks me curious and with his annoying smirk.

-It doesn't bother me to find one right now...-I sighed because I knew that we were going with this sh*t again.

The Gamer and The Lover: Mafia! Ichimatsu x Gamer! Reader Where stories live. Discover now