\\Chapter 1//

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[Normal POV]

There was a dark and silent forest in a beautiful night. Somewhere in Japan. The sky was full of stars until it was full of bombs.

Yeah, WTF?

Maybe the third war will begin.

-Shit! We have been surrounded! I repeat, we have been surrounded!- A mysterious men in black shouted to his team.

-What?! Didn't hear that!- Another men reply calmly. However, the sound of explosions and shots didn't allow them to listen correctly.

-The f**ck dude!? WE HAVE BEEN SURROUNDED!- This time the men screamed.

-How the f**ck those stupid sextuplets surround us!?

-They aren't alone!- the other men clarify.

The war was getting intense for them until they find out that more than 50 people have already died.

-Damn it! We have to retreat!- the mini boss in the black team requested.

[Ichimatsu's POV]

-Todomatsu, have you received the call?- I asked my little brother while hiding behind the trees.

-Recieved!- my little brother confirmed.

-This is getting easy, Ichimatsu-niisan!- Jyushimatsu shout exited due to our possible victory.

-Don't celebrate yet, Jyushimatsu!- Choromatsu calms the hope.

-Killjoy!- Shittymatsu reply immediately.

-Stop clowning around! We're not done yet!- My brothers are always idiot and pisses me off.

-I'm afraid we already won, Ichimatsu-niisan.- Todomatsu said with determination. We are communicating through a special microphone we have.

-What do you mean?

-They decide to retreat. That means they give up.

-YEAAAH! WOOOHOOO!- my brothers start to celebrate after Totty confirmes the status of our opponent.


The full silence came back.

-Of course, there is always a but.- I rolled my eyes while listening.

-It will be temporary.

-Ahh man! Why they won't just disappear!?- Shittymatsu complains.

-They won't disappear you d*ckhead, unless you put them 30-FEET-UNDER!- I paused between the last words while increasing my voice. Obviously, he's the worst.

-Woah, easy Ichimatsu!- Choromatsu tries to calm me. How can I be calm when I heard what this moron said?

-Yeah, ever since you became the leader you got short tempered.- Totty commented.

-Hahah, like Donald Duck!?- Jyushimatsu asked laughing.

-SHUT UP! Let's get out of here before I kill you all.

-Hy, Hy!- they all reply as we leave as well.

[Normal POV]

On the other hand, it was 9:00 am. Usually you don't wake up this late but you're really lazy.

-Shit! I'm late!- it was the first expression you make. How come you have work to do and you sometimes act like when you were in school? That wasn't a problem for you.

When you were doing your morning routines, you heard the news when you turn on the TV.

-People of Japan are completely worried, especially those who live near a dangerous forest. Last night there were gun shots and even explosions. Those are the expressions people make.- one of the reporters were announcing the rare event. You were with a piece of your sandwich in your mouth. You didn't bother about the news. That was nothing new for you.

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