\\Chapter 6//

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[Normal POV]

You stayed at Ichimatsu's house. You were sleeping in his bed while he sleeps on the sofa. You realized that at least he has been a gentleman with that.

[Your POV]

I have no idea why I can't talk sometimes when I'm with this idiot. When I woke up in his room, I haven't even saw him since the meeting. I'm sure he's pretty busy. Regardless, before I go and search for him, I decided to take a shower and probably he has something for me to wear. Or that's what I think.

~•~•~•10 minutes later~•~•~•~

When I'm done taking the shower, I decided to search for him.

-Ichimatsu?- I yelled. He didn't even enter to his room. Is he even in his house? Well, I can find out by only start to move and look for him. To make matters worse, when I got downstairs, I saw Ichimatsu talking to Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu. For a moment, I haven't realized I was with a towel.

-Ichimatsu?- I could tell that I saw his brother's faces. Bunch of perverts. I was behind Ichimatsu so I couldn't tell his reaction. Not until he looked at me.

-(Y/N)?- he clear his throat when he realized what would his brothers think. He quickly stare at their direction.

-Enjoying the view, boys?- he sounded mad and crossed his arms.

[Ichimatsu's POV]

Seriously, what is this woman thinking? Probably my stupid brothers must be thinking that I hook up with her. Even if the situation was awkward and tense, I decided to not focus on that.

-COVER YOUR EYES OR I'LL SHOOT YOU BOTH!- I sometimes feel like a total as****e treating my brothers like that but I'm the mini boss and I have to maintain my guard. They quickly obeyed and cover their eyes.

-And you, go to my room.- she quickly obeyed and leave.

-I knew you weren't going to waste the opportunity, Ichimatsu-niisan.- I knew they were going to jump into conclusions. Jyushimatsu just made fun at me; thinking more than that.

-Then I won't waste the best opportunity which is to kill you both right here, right now.

-I'd rather go outside...- Choromatsu sighed as like he's annoyed and leaves the house.

-Right. You do that.- I agree to him and then I stared at Jyushimatsu. He just stayed there, infront of me with his mouth wide open. He looked puzzled and I was going to burst.

-Do you wanna die?


-THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?- without thinking twice, he quickly ran away. This time I yelled on purposed so I just scare him away. From here, I decided to search for this woman and give her some clothing.

[Your POV]

As soon I got in his room, I couldn't feel like an idiot in my entire life. I didn't expect them to be here and then I burst out running searching for this freakazoid grape. Still...

-He looked so hot in that clothing.- what the actual f**k? Yeah, have no idea what is wrong with me. I said that outloud and he was already behind me.

-Something wrong, (Y/N)?- when I heard that voice behind me, I was screwed.

-Somebody kill me.- I thought while I sighed.

-On a scale of 1 to 10, how much you heard?

-0. I just got here.- he quickly answered with his usual venom self while he raise his shoulders. He expressed like he didn't even have an idea of what I said but, I'm not that sure.

The Gamer and The Lover: Mafia! Ichimatsu x Gamer! Reader Where stories live. Discover now