003. magic mayhem

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chapter three, magic mayhem

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chapter three, magic mayhem

𝔗he gathering of the wizarding community was never a bore. Especially after a win such as this.

Bonnie had paid the Weasley's their desired money, although she left with more money anyway, feeling proud of the bets she'd made with the Bulgarian supporters. She swore one day she would win a bet against the twins. After all, she always win bets. Just, not against the two red heads. But, even if it was on her deathbed, she would win a bet against the two and break their winning streak of forty-nine. Yup. One day, she would win. And then they would cry and she would laugh and life would go on the way it was supposed to.

          And now, she was celebrating. Both the winning of her home country, as well as the money she got, although given a small portion to Cedric who looked smug, Bonnie pouting as she had to give up the money she'd rightfully earned━ even if Cedric did help her somewhat giving her advice.

The party had not died down at all, those with small children put them inside the tents and used magic to block the noise before heading outside to celebrate, perhaps enjoying Fire Whiskey or another drink with the friends watching the green and gold fireworks blast into the air, creating beautiful designs, whether it be shamrocks or just another miscellaneous design. It seemed like the party would never die, and as much as Bonnie wanted to run outside and celebrate with others, both Diggory's thought it best she sleep when they'd notice her eyes starting to droop. Cedric ended up practically carrying her back to the tent. With the excitement and the adrenaline passing she was reminded she'd been up for nearly twenty four hours, something she didn't do often claiming she needed her beauty sleep.

          However, beauty sleep wasn't long earned.

Her dreams twisted into colors of green and red, the common colors that conflicted with the exception of Christmas. Little red haired men in green outfits occupied her dreams, fighting with the beautiful women as done during the game. And perhaps she truly did have a gambling problem because that too filled her dreams. Overall, her dreams were sweet contrasting to the horror that she was about to wake to.

          She was awakened by the sounds of screams. She frowned in her sleep, attempting to roll over and ignore the sounds of distress she took to be screams of happiness that was until she started to wake up more, and smoke invaded her nostrils. She frowned looking around and sitting up to find that the bottoms of the tent was starting the smoke, slowly yellow and red sparks spreading, burning through the tent.

Wildly, Bonnie reached for her wand, falling off the mattress but that didn't matter to her as she peeked over the side, pointing her wand at where the fire was spreading. "Aguamenti!" She shrieked, uncaring of the consequences that would befall her should the Ministry learn she used underage magic. Surely, they'd give her a pass.

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