001. best friend

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chapter one, best friend

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chapter one, best friend

𝔊enerally speaking, Bonnie got along well with everyone. But even the people who get along with everyone have to have a best friend. It was something that her best friend heard a lot, coming from the happy girl who insisted Cedric Diggory was that person for her.

          Cedric Diggory, with his perfect smile and perfect, golden boy life was Bonnie's best friend. When they were younger, their parents had assumed that the two would one day get married, and when they brought up their close relationship the two would grown in disgust. They stayed at arms length for a week before they went running back to each other. Yes they were close, but never that close. Despite having been each others first kiss at the age of twelve.

They were close enough though, that when Cedric Diggory had an extra ticket to go to the Quidditch World Cup, he immediately asked her to attend with him and his father.

Bonnie Bowers was not a fan of Quidditch. She hardly knew how to spell the word ( she was a pretty shit speller in general though so that wasn't saying much ). That didn't mean she didn't love watching it and shouting profanities for no real reason. Plus, Cedric always tried to teach her it so she could understand it better for when when he was actually playing. She semi-understood it, it was an easy game to understand. She just didn't care about it like so many other people. Some people liked sports, she, didn't. Something that Cedric had a hard time swallowing whenever she pointed it out. She reckoned this was an attempt to get her to actually enjoy Quidditch.

          The Diggory family and Bowers were lucky they lived close together. It helped keep the two happy during the summer so they never had to spend much time apart. And while they had grown out of their clingy phase, it was still a good idea to keep them close. Their parents made jokes about how close they were, but in the end they were thankful.

          "I don't know, Ced. I just don't get excited over Quidditch. The only thing that's good is the bets in which I always win." Bonnie said.

          The two had been arguing about Quidditch to pass the time as they walked over the hills to get to where Mr. Diggory claimed the port key would be. They had yet to find it, although Bonnie did get excited seeing a piece of trash that she thought could be the port key, before she was shot down. Her bag was heavy, weighing her down slightly as she stepped through mud.

          "The Weasley twins have beaten you many times." Cedric corrects, continuing despite the look he received from the shorter Hufflepuff. "Remember, when you had to come to me for more money?"

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