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chapter zero, love at first sight
𝔅onnie Bowers had attended many balls before in her lifetime. Her wizard father was connected to many high level wizards, who always liked to show off their glorious manors and mansions and castles. Who loved to show of their wealth and success in the wizarding world. Of course, there were certain wizards her father was connected to that would never dream of sending him an invite, due to his status, and more importantly, his wife's was was frowned upon by many family.
This happened to not be one of those many snobby families though, but their dear third cousin's ball, celebrating their grandmother's ninety eighth birthday, the guest of honor herself, sitting in a chair that hovered off the ground to make her easier to see. Wrinkles covered her face, and she looked withered and old, her white hair barely hanging onto her head. She was extremely nice, despite the fact you had to practically shout in her ear to get her to hear you, and her eyesight wasn't the best. And sometimes she forgot who you were but she'd remember eventually.
They had already given Edna their love, wishing her happy birthday, leaving her parents to break off into the crowd of people, leaving Bonnie herself alone. She liked to stand by the food section, watching the adults dance, staring at their parents with love shining in their eyes which would be reflected back at them. Her own parents were mingling with the Sutherland's, sharing a quiet laughter so as not to interrupt the quartet's music. She noticed some people eyeing her mother with a sneer, and wished she could do magic outside of school. Instead, she settled for a subtlety trip, apologizing but getting her small revenge.
The adults barely ate anything, leaving most of the food to the kids they had brought along, who hogged the desserts, leaving before coming back when the dessert was magically replaced by house elves who were probably tired after baking so much, causing her to frown, wanting to do something. She didn't really believe in using house elves as servants. They were overworked and some were in bad situations, severely mistreated by their masters.
The brunette Hufflepuff lingered by the chocolate fountain (obviously being magically produced unlike the muffle contraption her mother had stowed away whenever she wanted to do things the muggle way). However, despite being near the chocolate fountain, she mainly ate the strawberries, eating them until it was down to the stem before throwing it away.
She never minded the balls her parents had her go to, but this particular ball was all the way in France and she felt awkward being here without anyone she knew, as most of them went to Beauxbatons. And spoke French. Which, she could speak but sometimes she had trouble. Besides, she only had to be here another hour or so before they could go back home.