006. breath taken

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chapter six, breath taken

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chapter six, breath taken

𝔅onnie's seventeenth birthday had come and gone quickly, and now it brought up the question for everyone in her house, would she enter?

           Yeah, according to history, the Tournament was known to be deadly. But it was fine now, right? They took counter measures. Their counter measure had counter measures to make sure that everyone came out of this alive and well. So, was she considering entering? Yes. And just because she entered didn't mean she would be chosen. The judge would select who it thought most worthy, and from what she knew, that would most likely be Cedric, who seemed to be more seriously contemplating the thought of entering.

She'd written to her father on the matter, knowing her mother — as loving and kind as she was — wouldn't understand as well. Foo Foo, her small white hamster crawled in her hands as she read the letter from her father, telling her no matter what she chose he would be proud.

At times like these she was frustrated with her parents for being so amazing and letting her live her life. It's be much easier if people would make decisions for her.

"You aren't seriously thinking about it?" Julia asked.

"Why not?" Bonnie asked, looking up feeling almost offended.

"I'm sorry, did you not here the part at which they say, death toll?" Julia asked, a frown on her face as she looked up from her herbology homework.

"It sort of got mixed in with eternal glory." Bonnie muttered.

Julia sighed. "You know I'm your friend, and I support you no matter what. You're good at Defense Against the Dark Arts. It's not that I don't think you could do it. But I think that I don't want to lose by best friend."

"They've taken precautions—"

"Fuck the bloody precautions." Julia said. "I don't want you going in thinking your safe when really some two faced snake ends up killing you."

"I'm probably not even going to." Bonnie sighed. "You know how I am. I like to daydream about winning. But at the end of the day I'll chicken out."

"That's not true. Just because bravery isn't one of your strongest traits doesn't mean that you wouldn't win."

          Bonnie sighed. "I can't even ride a broom without feeling like I'm going to throw up, and you honestly expect me to put my name in? Hell no." She reassured, even though the thought of her winning crossed her mind, as she was sure it crossed everyone else's.

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