Chapter Twelve

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Instead of dwelling on my sadness of having lost William I focused my attention elsewhere. I had my end terms in three weeks and I needed to ace them if I wanted an easy holiday. My aunt tended to make them long and excruciating if I failed my exams.

If I wasn't working, in class or sleeping, which was rare then I was studying. I was already smart without studying so hard but now that I was actually trying , I could recite my notes like poems and recall all details perfectly.

All this and yet it had only been one week since I said goodbye to William. It's too bad that we had confessed our feelings mere minutes before we had to say goodbye forever. Even though I'd never get to see him again, I'd treasure the memories that we had for the rest of my life. I'd probably never find anyone else so William had been my only chance at love and that was okay with me. Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. I definitely would have preferred to never loose him but it seemed like fate had other plans for us.

We were bound to be doomed anyway. I was just a fleeting momentous excitement for him, dating a foreigner but once he got over that phase he'd have cast me aside. I had been okay with that since I couldn't date him online forever and prevent him from living his life but I thought we at least had more time together. Three months was not enough but it was all I'd gotten and I'd remember each moment of it for the rest of my life.

I was serving customers at the diner when Simon walked in. My aunt always insisted on serving him so I couldn't get the chance to talk to him but she was out back on a call.

"Hi Simon, what do you want today?"I asked with a fake smile. I had perfected that skill over the years but I was using it more than ever.

"How are you doing?"He asked looking at me concerned probably noticing the distraught look in my eyes.

"Hanging in there but I'll be fine. I have exams coming up soon."

"That's good. Do you still have that key I gave you? For the shop?"He asked.

My brows furrowed wondering why he was asking me that but I still nodded "Yeah."

"Great, today after you're done here use it to get in. There's a package for you at the back on top of my desk."He explained and I just got more confused.

"What package?"I asked wanting to know more.

Before he could answer my aunt came back and interrupted us.

"I thought I told you to never serve him."She whisper yelled pulling me aside harshly.

"But you were...."I tried to explain but she cut me off.

"I don't care now scram."She demanded harshly.

I sent an apologetic smile towards Simon's direction before leaving to serve another customer. I wondered what he meant by package for me? I couldn't even guess what he was talking about but I'd find out later.

Simon had given me a key to his shop when I was ten after he had found me sleeping in garbage bags at the back of the shop. My aunt had thrown me out for spilling coffee on one of her guests at a get together she had been having. It had not been my first time sleeping in the cold but it was Simon's first time seeing me. He knew talking to my aunt was useless so he just gave me a key and told me that I could sleep in his shop whenever she threw me out. He had a sofa in there and it was warmer and more comfortable than the cold street. I hadn't used it many times since the older I grew the less my aunt kicked me out but I still kept it not knowing when she'd explode.

At about one am I finished up everything and after eating and cleaning up after myself I closed the diner and headed to Simon's shop. I'd hidden the key in between two bricks in the wall since keeping it on me, at the diner or the house was not an option. I retrieved it and let myself in. Turning on the light I saw a huge box on the table. It was an overseas shipment addressed to Simon but there was my name on it too. Simon hadn't opened it so I decided to do the honors since he had told me it was for me.

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