Chapter Thirty

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Italics - Malaika

Normal underlined - Harry

Bold italics underlined - Natalia

After sleeping on it and thinking intensely about the whole thing I finally made a decision. I was taking a risk and flying to Montana to see William. It was not the best idea but I realized that in my seventeen years of life I had never done anything daring. I had just been a push over for my aunt and it was finally time for me to be different. It would hurt if William turned me down but I'd get a chance to travel and experience the world.

I was already packed and ready to go but I just had one more thing to do before I left. I sat down in Simon's living room, laptop on my lap and logged into my Instagram account. I hadn't logged in ever since William and I broke up so it was no shock when I found a lot of messages from his account. I wasn't there to talk to him so I searched up Harry's name and as always he was online so I video called him. Those boys loved social media too much. It took a few seconds to connect when he received my call. When it finally went through he looked at me with wide eyes as if he'd just seen a ghost. I knew it was weird for me to call my exes best friend but Harry knew William more than anyone so even if I was taking a giant leap of faith I also needed to know the there'd someone there to catch me so I didn't fall and break more than I already had.

As I live as breath Malaika Lelo. It's been a while.

Cut it out Harry, I've watched that movie.

Okay sorry but seriously you're the last person I expected to be talking to.

I know but a lot has happened the past two months and I wanted to talk to a familiar face.

Have you talked to Will yet?

No I but will. I wanted to talk to you first.

Assess the situation first huh?

Something like that.

It was silent for a while between us as I thought about what I was going to ask next. I thought I was going to ask Harry if William cheated on me but I found myself asking a whole different question making his whole demeanor change.

How is he?


One word. Not a good sign.


What do you mean why? The guys lost the love of his life because of a misunderstanding and he has no way of getting in contact with her. You guys ended on such bad terms he never got closure or a chance to explain himself.

What was there to explain? All the evidence was there incriminating him.

Like I said it was a misunderstanding.

Then explain it to me Harry because I was broken too that day. You can't just expect me to believe that everything I saw was a figment of my imagination.

I'm not saying you imagined it but you should have at least heard him out.

Really Harry? Heard him out? I tried for months but he shut me out the second you guys got into university. I was okay with being the fourth wheel to his Tiktok life and studies but I have enough self respect to walk away when I get cheated on.

William didn't cheat on you.

Says you.

I can prove it.

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