Chapter Thirteen

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My aunt had left for a night out clubbing with her girlfriends leaving me all alone at the apartment. We had closed the diner early since she didn't trust me with her customers and that was a plus for me. I should have been studying for my up coming exams in a few days instead I was busy exploring my new iPhone. It's not like I'd fail the exams anyway since I already knew everything that there was to know.

I landed on the camera app and decided to take a selfie. I was wearing one of Williams t-shirts and a pair of shorts. My hair was recently cut and curled with gel and for once my eyes were not red due to lack of sleep. It was definitely awkward at first having never taken photos of myself before but I got the hang of it.

I got a few good pictures and deleted the rest. Feeling daring I sent them to William hoping he liked them. It was the first time ever sending him photos and I wished I could have seen his reaction when he received them. I didn't look my best but he had seen me in so much worse. His response was immediate.

Are you trying to kill me?

Of course not why would you think that?

It's already hard enough that I have a very beautiful girlfriend who I've never seen in person and now she just had to send me pictures looking sexy as hell in my clothes.

The only word that I saw in that message was girlfriend. We never established our relationship even if we had already confessed our feelings for each other. I was a little bit confused but happy at the same time that he considered me his girlfriend.

I'm not your girlfriend.

Yes you are.

No I'm not, you never asked.

Instead of replying via message he face timed me. He didn't say anything when I picked up, he just stared at me with his big blue eyes filled with wonder. I didn't say anything either and we just sat there staring at each other. Eventually I broke contact and blushed looking away but as always broke the silence first.

I'm sorry.

You haven't done anything wrong.

Yes I did. You deserve so much better than me just assuming my position in your life. I should have asked you officially to be my girlfriend.

He was so sweet but at the same time I had been joking. He didn't need to ask, I was glad to be his girlfriend either way.

I was only joking William.

It doesn't matter you still deserve the question.

Okay then ask.

It feels wrong to do it via face time. I should be able to take you out on a date, buy you flowers, dinner, ice cream and after with a walk in the park I would ask you.

It's not a marriage proposal William.

I'll do so much better than dinner and a walk in the park for a marriage proposal.

I knew we were serious about each other but not to the point of him thinking about marriage. It had only been less than four months. He didn't even consider the fact that we would never be anything more than the couple who dated via the phone. It was all too much at once.



I'm sorry I said that stop overthinking it, go back to being mad that I didn't ask you to be my girlfriend properly.

I laugh at his pouty face, my internal freak out forgotten for a minute.

Much better so *clears throat* my angel, love of my life, highlight of my day. Will you be my girlfriend?

I smiled so wide my cheeks began hurting.

Yes I will.


You're crazy you know that.

Only for you my love.

I blushed looking at the bottom of the screen to avoid looking directly into his eyes. Instead of allowing him to change the topic this time, I gathered my wits and quickly thought of something.

You're almost done with high school, applied to any colleges yet?

Me and my friends love our home so we all applied to go to the university of Montana. It would be really awesome if we all got in the same place.

You guys just like stirring trouble together.

That's true but we've been glued to the hip since kindergarten. It would be weird not having them around.

I'd say I get what you mean but it's just been me my whole life.

You've got me now.

That is true.

What about you? You're going to be done with high school by the end of the year. It's still a few months away but have you thought of any universities you want to attend?

I don't think I'm going to uni.

Why not?

My aunt is not willing to spend that much money to send me to further my education. She already has a hard time with high school as it is.

Well don't worry about it. I'm sure it will all fall into place.

That makes it sound like you already have a plan set in place.

Honestly I don't but I'll definitely think is something.


Do you know you're the only one besides my mom who calls me by my full name and she only does it when she's mad at me.

Do you want me to start calling you Will?

No I like it when you call me William especially with your accent.

You're the one with the accent.

We both do, to each other at least.

I like it when you call me angel, no one has ever called me that before.

Well I plan to give you a lot of firsts my darling.

I look forward to it.

Is that you agreeing to me spoiling you without fighting me on it? Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?

Shut up.

With you never.


Why does it have to be so hot.... Like it's boiling out there and yet I have afternoon meetings. The joy of studying in one of the hottest parts of the country.  Sarcasm at its best.

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