Chapter Twenty

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When I spotted William he was talking to Simon next to a sleek looking black car. I took tentative steps towards them my palms sweaty feeling more nervous than I'd ever felt in my life. I was feeling both anxious and excited at the same time. The feeling wasn't going to fade anytime soon so I took a deep breath and decided to embrace everything that came my way. William was here with me and I was going to make the most of it.

Both gentlemen looked up at me when I got closer. William smiled that cute smile that I adored while Simon just stared at the two of us. I had no idea how to behave with William knowing that my aunt was probably staring from the door of the diner so I just stood neutral making no move to touch him. He didn't seem bothered probably understanding the situation too and I appreciated that he didn't force me into anything.

"William you seem like a nice guy so please take care of my girl. You wouldn't have travelled all this way if she didn't mean a lot to you."Simon spoke up first and I smiled at him.

"You have my word sir, I'll take most good care of her." William promised.

"Good. Have fun sweetheart and call me in case of anything at anytime."He requested.

"I will."I replied.

He gave be a brief hug before shaking Williams hand and walking back into his cyber cafe. William and I were left alone together and we both seemed to be in a trance staring at each other. Though I knew that as much as I loved staring at his blue eyes we both needed to get out of my aunt's prying sight.

"We should get going if we're to make it to Mombasa in time."I teased and that got Williams attention.

He chuckled and the sound travelled all the way to the tips of my toes.

"Of course Angel."He winked with a smirk before opening the backdoor for me and stepping aside to let me get in first.

I tried to tame my racing heart after hearing him call me Angel in person for the first time but it didn't work. I brushed past him getting a whiff of his manly cologne as I slid into the backseat. I didn't know the car had a chauffeur so I was a little startled when I saw someone seated on the driver's side. William soon joined me in the backseat and the driver didn't even ask where we were going before he drove off. William must have already planned everything out prior to me joining him in the car.

I sat at the furthest end of the backseat, my beat-up backpack held in my lap as I wringed my hands together in nervousness. My gaze was trained at my best up sneakers and I couldn't help but feel inadequate sitting next to William. He was handsome and so put together while I was plain ol me. His cologne filled the car and I could feel his gaze at the side of my head but I didn't dare look up. I was feeling out of place and nervous seeing as how completely different people we were. Before I could dwell too much on the negative his voice broke through my thoughts dragging me back to the present.

"I thought flying more than twenty seven hours to get to you would at least get me a hug but looks like I have to do more."He whined and I found myself smiling.

Why was I behaving so shy around him? He had come so far to see me and I couldn't even get over my anxiety for him.

"I'm sorry."I whispered cursing myself inside my head at how weak my voice came out.

William didn't reply and I thought I had offended him until I saw his open palm in the empty seat between us from the corner of my eyes. He was giving me the option of joining him halfway instead of just grabbing my hand. I wouldn't have objected if he had but it was sweet that he was trying to be considerate.

Feeling courageous and wanting to feel his hand in mine, I untangled my hands and slowly reached out to place my much smaller hand on top of his. His hand was warm as compared to my cold one but it felt so right. William linked our fingers together and they fit perfectly like two puzzle pieces. I smiled at how such a small gesture could make my heart race in joy. I managed to look up from my staring contest with my shoes and meet Williams gaze that had been on me the whole time.

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