Chapter Ten

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I was taking out the trash when my phone vibrated in the shorts I had under my skirt. I kept it on me at all times so that I could read William's message immediately he texted. I had wanted to stay in touch with Harry so he could give me updates all the time but I would be putting myself at the risk of getting caught. I had to be smart about how to hide it under the double clothing.

I quickly crouched behind the huge dumpster and fished it out. It was a notification of a message from Instagram. I hurriedly opened it knowing it was probably William. According to what Harry had told me he should have been been woken up a few hours ago.

Miss me?

William!!! Oh My God. Harry told me what happened. Are you okay?

Yeah no broken bones but I have to be on bed rest for a few days.

I told you to be more careful.

I know Angel. I'm sorry. I'll be more careful from now on.

You're still going to continue skating?

Yeah it's something I love. I can't just stop because of one accident.

But William.......

Are you busy? Can we video call.

I'll text you soon. I'm hiding behind a dumpster right now but I had to know how you're doing.

Okay Angel. Take care.

I should be saying that.

We can say it to each other.

🙂🙂 I'll be back soon.

I'll be waiting.

I switched off the phone and slid it back in my pocket. I stood dusting myself up and came face to face with my aunt who was looking at me with scrutinizing eyes and a stiff posture. My heart started beating fast knowing I had been caught. I started preparing my mind to come up with a plausible enough excuse.

She looked at me from head to toe with her menacing eyes and I feared for my life. She wouldn't beat me in public to protect her image but she would definitely do it when I got home from work.

"What were you doing behind the dumpster?"She sneered at me and I stepped back scared.

Come on brain think fast.

"I tripped and fell."I answered meekly.

Really that's all you could come up with? I scolded myself feeling hoping she fell for my sorry excuse.

"You really are clumsy. Tidy up and get back to work, I don't pay you to sit around."She spat and her statement ticked me off wrong.

"You don't pay me."I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you just say?"She asked threateningly and I took a step back.

I could above taken that opportunity to stand up for myself but I would end up in the streets hungry and homeless. That was definitely much worse than what I was going through.

"Nothing aunt."I whispered looking at my shoes to avoid meeting her gaze.

"Thought so. Now hurry back inside, we have customers waiting."She demanded.

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