Chapter Twenty Seven

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Italics bold underlined - Natalia

Italics - Malaika

Bold - William

I had never been excited for my birthday since I didn't even know when it was but I had been pretty excited for my seventeenth birthday. My aunt was cutting me some slack since I was sitting for my exams soon and I had a boyfriend who had promised to buy me a gift. I wasn't really for material things but I was pretty excited for what William would get me.

When I woke up to no birthday texts or posts from William I brushed it off thinking he was just busy or preparing for something big. When I arrived at the diner from school I passed by Simon's shop to check for any packages for me but there was nothing. The feeling of disappointment was growing stronger but I brushed it off since the day wasn't over yet. Simon bought me a pair of new balenciaga sneakers that I fell in love with. It was a sweet gift that I really appreciated.

My aunt didn't even care that it was my birthday and she didn't know that I knew so to her it was another normal day. I made sure to finish all my chores by midnight so I could light myself a little cupcake candle and make I wish. I sat in the diner alone with a huge cupcake with pink and blue frosting, lit the candle, made a wish and blew it out. It was nothing major, just something I had been praying for a long time.

One minute struck past midnight without a single birthday wish or text from my boyfriend. I had been trying to hold them back all day but I couldn't help but break down. Looks like I wouldn't get my birthday wish after all considering I'd just started my new year with tears.

I waited until two am to see if William would call and when he didn't I dragged myself up to the apartment to get some shut eye. I didn't get any sleep so I was definitely looking like a zombie the next morning when I got for school.

Three days after my birthday I was angry, heartbroken and filled with sadness. As much as I tried not to overthink it I couldn't help but think that I had actually lost William.

After we had the talk and he promised to change, he actually did and was more attentive and loving but that only lasted a week before he was back to ignoring me. I was done with him playing with my heart so that night as I sat in the diner, phone clutched in my shaking hand, I had already made my decision. I was not going to let William continue playing with my heart. I deserved better than to be strung along as he lived his best life in university.

I composed myself and called him. I didn't care if I had to call him ten times as long as I went to sleep knowing for sure whether or not I was in a relationship.

Finally when I was calling for the sixth time, someone picked up and it was definitely not William.


It was a girl and she was wearing his clothes. I had personally helped him pick out that hoodie when he came to visit. The girl was beautiful, definitely made me give myself a once over but if William was cheating on me then he definitely had an upgrade. Instead of jumping into conclusions I decided to give William the benefit of the doubt.

Hi, this is Williams phone right.

Yeah he's still sleeping. Is it an emergency you've been calling for a while?

Can I please talk to him?

He's sleeping, can I take a message or do you want me to wake him?

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