Chapter 15

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Molly's POV

Fields of vanilla and peaches over power my dream. As I watch candy cane trees blossom from the soft yet firm, silky ground. I'm in pure bliss.

The wind whispers to me, Molly, Molly, wake up Molly.

My head starts to spin and pound as light streams though the window onto my face. I open my eyes one at a time to a familiar sent.

"Mmmm. That smells good." I say. Jack turns on his back and snuggles his nose into my neck.

"That dose smell good. Like syrup... and cherries." He says. Silly Jack his nose is all wrong.

"No no. It's more like peppermint and peaches and vanilla." I say.

Things start going though my mind. I start to evaluate what's going on, where I am, what happened last night, who he is, stuff like that. As much as I like it, I can't stay in that dream-like state forever.

I sit up and look around the room. It was warm when I was lying down, but when I sit up I feel the cold November has to offer.

Jack has his shirt off lying there as sexy as ever and I notice that my own shirt is missing.

What happened!? Where's my shirt? I don't remember this from last night!

"Jack." I poke his shoulder. "Wake up."

"What!? What. I'm awake." He sits up quickly and snaps into reality. He looks me down and a slight grin appears on his face.

"Jack!!" I yell.

"Where's your shirt?" He asks, I see his eyes flash down to my boobs again, for just a second. Usually girls get mad at these things but he's my mate, I kinda want him to see.

"That's what I want to know!" I say.

"It's not even warm outside, you didn't do it because you were hot, like temperature hot not like looks hot because you're like... uh." He dose a nervous laugh and scratches the back of his neck.

"Where are we?" I ask ignoring what just happened.

"Remember after we got kicked out of my favorite favorite fast food restaurant...uh" (Chapter 7)

"Howling Canyon?"

"Yeah, yeah, I just forgot for a second. Anyways, after we got kicked out you girls started walking along a trail and then we followed you and you know, the rogue came."

"Yeah, and?"

"We followed the trail all the way to this tree house." He says.

I gasp. "Ugh, I just love this place!" I say.

"Here, let me find you a shirt." He says.

He lifts himself from the floor and looks around room. He checks outside and comes in with soaking wet t-shirts. He looks at me and shrugs his shoulders. He tosses the wet shirts on the ground like they were nothing.

He walks over to me and sits next to me by the place we slept. The only thing between us and a wooden floor was one thin blanket. Thank goodness I was with him because when you're with your mate, your heart beats faster making you warmer, and werewolves are already naturally warm.

He guides my chin with his silk hand so I'm forced to look at him.

He sinks down and presses his lips on my mine. I was expecting sparks but no...

It felt like a million tiny toes were dancing on my lips. Ugh it felt so good. This is the first time I've kissed him and I feel more of him rush into me. Like I got more of his soul to take care of. The feeling was addictive but I wanted him to come back for more so I didn't allow access.

I let go first he felt... sad when I let go. How did I...? What just...? When did this...?

'You can read his emotions now, but be careful he can also read yours.' My wolf says.

He smiles at me and I give him a confused look.

"Why are you so beautiful?" He says. I blush and turn my back to him.

"Are you going to regret saying that later?" I ask.

"You know I would never leave you."

"Oh you Alphas, you think I don't see a pattern? You think-"

"Stop!" He yells. "Just stop." He says softy. "I've been trying to tell you all along but you just won't listen. What happened between your father and mother is not, I repeat not going to happen to you, as long as you promise you won't do what my mom did to my dad." He says hugging me from behind. I hate how much of an impact he has on me, I can't let him take over, I can't let him win.

"Then prove it." I say. He looks at me and I can sense he feels sorry for me.

"Listen Molly, I'm trying my hardest. I really am. I just want to protect you. Their are creatures, dangerous creatures, out there. I don't want you getting hurt. I don't want to lose you. I want to love you as long as I can but I don't want to fight." He says.

"You don't think I'm strong enough to fend for myself?" I ask.

"Creatures come in all shapes and sizes, some as tiny as a grape, some taller than the Empire State Building. Werewolves are only so strong. Our power and strength only exists inside our realm of werewolf's. The sooner you realize you're not the top of the food chain the better." He says throwing me into a spin of confusion and curiosity.

"Why are you telling me this? How do you know so much?" I ask. He lies down on his back on the blanket and pats next to him, gesturing me to join him.

"Let me just start out by saying, I've been places and seen things you would never believe."


Hey! Sorta a short chapter, sorry!


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Pleeeeeeeease help! You could be the difference between me not reaching my goal and reaching my goal!


Love, Taylor

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