Chapter 20

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Jack's POV

"Get down." A guard growls. An elbow is gabbed into my back. I'm pushed onto my knees and they pulled my hair, forcing me to look up at a devilish red-head.

"Alpha Jack. Pleasure to see you." He says with a hint of sarcasm. "You father was very easy to bargain with so I'm sure you'll be just as easy." He grins an evil grin.

"I wouldn't count on it." I growl at him.

"Rose would you come in here please?" He says. The name hits me hard on the head.

The women comes in and I don't know if I want to faint of vomit.

Caramel hair, bluest eyes, warmest smile.

It's the same women I see in my dreams.

I didn't think she was real.

Dose she know me?

Our eyes lock. I'm terrified. What is she going to do to me. Why can't I speak. Molly would know what to say.

"Hi Jack." She smiles at me.

I try to speak but nothing comes out.

"Remember me?" She asks.

"Uh... yeah." I say nervously.

"That was a rhetorical question. I haven't seen you since you were born." She says.

I look up at her and she looks back at me. She looks sorry for me.

"Why are you here anyways?" I ask.

She crutches down in front of me. A single tear draws from her eye. I'm confused. What's happening?

"Look at you." She smiles. "You've grown up so handsome."

She hugs me and the guards let go of my wrists. I don't hug her back though. I'm terrified.

She sits back on her knees and holds her hand out.

"A more formal introduction. My name is Luna Rose of the Night-Hill Pack." She says.

"The Night-Hill Pack is my pack. We have no Luna." I say crossing my arms.

"Jack, I'm your mom."

No words can describe the emotions I have right now. But confused is the word I would use if I had to.

"Where have you been? Why did you leave? Why didn't you come back? Why didn't you tell me earlier? How come-"

"Jack!" She stops me by putting a finger to my mouth. "Why don't we talk over tea?"

I just nod.


"Sugar?" She asks. I nod.

"Why'd you leave?" Is the first thing that spits from my mouth.

"Right after you were born, I did something your father thought was wrong and he hit me. I knew I couldn't stay there... so I left." She says.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"I killed another pack's Luna." She says.

"Who's pack?" I ask.

"Moonstone's." She says and my blood runs stale. That's Molly's pack. What am I going to tell her? "Jack your looking a little pale, is everything alright?"

"That's my mate's pack." I say.

"Your mate? How old is she?" She asks.

"My age, 16. I think she's like 4 months older or something." I say. She looks confused. Oh great! Now we're both confused. She doesn't see anything so I go on. "She's here if you want to meet her."

"You're pale because let me guess, she's alpha's daughter, and let me guess, her name is Molly?" She says.

"How'd you know?" I say.

"That's all anyone could talk about around here. Molly is supposed to be a perfect blood Alpha. If they breed her with a perfect blood vampire, we make killing machines." She says. I growl.

"No one is laying a hand on her." I say.

"Do you remember Rachel?" She asks. Oh I love Rachel.

"Yes." I say.

"She's 4 months pregnant with one of our hybrids right now." She says.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"Your mate can make more powerful hybrids in 3 months, as apposed to less powerful hybrids in 9 months." She says avoiding the question. I growl.

"No one is lying another hand on Rachel or Molly!" I say through gritted teeth.

"Oh Jack. Coming from such a broken family, I'm surprised you actually give a damn about your mate, let alone your childhood baby sitter." She says with a laugh.

"Where are they?" I growl.

"In holding. They're fine down there by themselves." She says.

"Where's Liam?" I say almost forgetting about my friend.

"I don't know, Head only tells me so much." She says.

"You have to help us get out." I say. She thinks for a moment.

"I have been doing the same boring shit for 16 years in this dumb house, I think I'm ready for an adventure." She says and we both smile.

"Where do we start?" I say though a grin.

"Glad you asked."


Hey! Hoped you liked the chapter!!


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<3<3, Taylor

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