Chapter 32

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The End 2/2

"Jack. You look amazing." I breathe.

"And you look beautiful." He says. I give a small smile before grabbing his hand.

"How many people are out there exactly?" Kyle says pulling me out of my Jack trance. All the men are wearing the most stunning tuxedos. I almost feel too fancy to be here, but then I look down at my rose colored dress and know I belong here, next to everyone I grew up with, next to everyone I've grown to admire and even to love.

"Everyone." Henry says giving a slap on the back to nervous Kyle.

"But don't worry, you'll share the stage with 7 other people." I say with a reassuring smile.

"Molly." I hear from behind me. I turn to see someone who I never really got to know but yet still feel so close to.

"Danielle, you look... amazing" I say in shock to her royal blue dress- no gown. She truly looks like a princess. Like a Luna. Henry is lucky to have her.

"Molly." She says again with a slightly smaller smile. "There are only going to be two women out there, you and me. We have to make a statement. We have to show everyone what we're made of, we're women. We have to fight a little harder for what we want, but Molly, it's worth it. Look I'm not going to be talking today but you are, so whatever you say, I'll support you. So make a statement. Our world is changing forever no matter what happens today, make a change for the better, make a change that will last for generations." I look into her eyes for something else to grasp on to, as if on cue she gives me one more thing. "People look up to you, Molly. More than you think."

She gracefully turns and walks away in perfect stride. That was the first time Danielle and I have talked and she sure made it memorable.

"Molly, it's time." Jack says from behind me.

The stage is a lot more frightening once you're up on it. There is a no-mans-land we all share that is dead center in the middle of the pack houses. This is where the stage is set up. I know there are horns playing. Then drums then the rest of the band. I only know that because I was told that was what was supposed to happen. But right now the nerves and adrenaline are adding up and blocking out my hearing. All I can see is my best friends sitting in the first row clapping and cheering me on.

Danielle said people look up to me. Well right now I look up to them a lot. Emily, Nicole, Aaron, and Liam. I would do anything to be them right now. But I know where my responsibility stands.

I stand on stage between Jack and my father. Jack stands next to his father. Jacks hand slightly brushes mine in search, then holds it. We all just stand there with great power looking at all of our packs.

There is a singe microphone in the middle of the stage. I don't know if we're supposed to make a speech or not but that doesn't stop me. I have something to say and I need to say it before anyone else says a word. Plus, I'm the reason we're all here, I need there to be a valid reason that all the packs get into one place because if this goes wrong it may never happen again. I let go of Jacks hand and I walk up to the mic.

The place grows silent, all eyes on me. This is my time. This is where I change the world.

"Someone helped me realize an amazing thing today. That today no matter what happens there will be change, for the better or for worse, history will be made." I start out with. The adrenaline is pumping now and there is no stopping me until I get my point across. "I'm here because of my mother. My real mother who died shortly after I was born so that I could have the same incredible power she did. My mother fought for this. My mother wanted noting more then to have all the packs united. But she didn't want it to be a campaign for who becomes the leader. She also didn't want it to be a blood bath either." I pause and look down at my friends. "In the beginning of the year I was different, and also clueless. Then the moon goddess cursed and blessed me with Jack. Then things started to unfold. I started to get more responsibility, and with that I got more strength and knowledge. Things from my past started to click into place. I found my long lost brother and sister and I even escaped from a pack of half-werewolf-half-vampires." A few people raise their eyebrows. "Don't worry, they're not a threat now. That day, I was taken over by my mother who touched everyone who was there, including me. She is my inspiration, my guide, and the very core of what I am. She was a good women who loved everyone and only ever wanted peace." I pause again to let their brains process. "But I'm not here to throw a funeral for her. I'm here to speak of peace. I'm here to speak for the voiceless. I'm here to make sure my mothers wish is granted. The right way. Our world is changing today. Its changing forever. I want to make the type of change that will last for generations because something has to change. We can't look at our neighbors and hate them simply because of what pack they're in. These people are your neighbors. You grew up with these people, you graduated high school with these people, and then you were trained to kill these people? How does that make any sense? What happens when another pack tries coming in? Do we just let them because we refuse to fight with the people we grew up with? The people we were told all our lives were the enemy. Well look beside you, they're not the foes. They shouldn't be the foes. Them? Us? Look at them. What differences do you see? In the end, we all just want the same thing. We all just want to protect the people we love. Thank you."

I take a small step back from the mic but nobody claps. Why is nobody clapping? That was a good speech, I said what I had to say and I did it proudly without offending anyone, right?

But then there is movement. In the front row. Emily and Nicole both fall to their knees in submission. Then Liam and Aaron.

Next thing I know, everyone from every pack is down on their knees and looking up to me as their leader.

Then I feel a spike of power. At first I think someone might've shot me with silver. But then I turn, and behind me Jack is on his knees too, surrendering to me. Giving me his power.

Then Danielle. Kyle. Henry. By this point I'm just high off power. This much power could sustain even the greediest kings. But it doesn't stop. Henry's dad gets on his knees, then Jack's dad. Until the last one standing is my father. He smiles at me and a single tear runs down his face.

Then he drops to his knees. Until I'm left standing there with mighty power. Everyone is on their knees. Everyone has surrendered to me.

And as I stand here going gloriously down into history, a million thoughts yet, only one thought goes through my mind.

Not the Luna, I am the Alpha.

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