Chapter 24

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Exhaustion fell over me, hitting me harder than a fast ball. I trembled to my knees and Jack caught me before I hit the pavement hard.

"Molly!" Jack says. I breathe heavily, God letting another person take over your body really makes you tired.

"I'm okay. I need sleep." I say letting out a yawn. Jack carries me up the stairs bridal style. He places me in his huge bed, -even bigger than my king sized- in his huge room.

I drift off to sleep.


My eyes flutter open to a ray of sun. I'm still in Jack's bed. Someone is in here with me. An amazing smelling person, who smells like peppermint, peaches, and vanilla.

I rest myself on his sleeping body and run my fingers through his hair. Then down his rock hard abs. Then back through his hair.

Like a rusty machine, he slowly but surely wraps his arms around me, drawing me in.

His pale eyes blink open and his lips curl into a smile.

"Good morning beautiful." He whispers into the silence.

"Morning handsome." I smile.

"I'm glad sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up." He says.

"How long have I been asleep?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Molly, it's the next day." He says. I let out a small giggle.


"You are too much." He smiles. He runs his fingers though my hair as I reach up and cuff his chin.

"I love you." I say.

"God I love you too." He says and draws me into a heated make out session.

That lasted about 25-30 minutes.

"I don't know about you but I'm starving." He says in his husky voice.

"Food sounds amazing right now." I grin.

We start walking across the room. He opens the door for me politely and something's bothering me.

"Wait." I say before going through the door.

"What?" He asks.

"Please put a shirt on." I ask.

"This is my pack. I can walk around without a shirt on and everyone's used to it."

"I don't want other girls looking at you." I say bitting my lip.

"As alpha it's my job to be looked at."

"In a respectful way, not a horny one." I cross my arms.

He stands there staring at me for a few seconds.

"Okay." He says. I watch him walk over to his dresser and pull out a shirt. He slips it over his head then looks at me. "Are you happy now?"

I giggle. "Yes, come on." I grab his wrist and pull him down the stairs.

"Morning Holly." Jack says to a cooking omega. She looks up and smiles in the sight of Jack.

"Good morning Alpha." She says cheerfully. "Luna." She smiles at me. I look at Jack confused. No one is supposed to know.

"I'm sorry, I told everyone last night while you were still asleep. My dad made me." He frowns. He seems so sincere, it's cute.

"It's okay." I say.

"Congratulations." Holly says.

"Thanks." I say, even though it wasn't an accomplishment or anything, just luck.

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