Chapter 18

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Molly's POV

"Look what I've made!" She giggles.

"It looks like... fruit punch." I say back.

"It's much more than fruit punch." Melody, my lavender-haired mermaid friend says.

"What does that mean?"

"It gives you powers! Want to try it?" She says excitedly.

"Ooh! What type of powers?" I ask.

"I don't know, my teacher said it only impacts werewolves, and your a werewolf, so I thought I would give it to you." She smiles.

"What's it made of?" I ask.

"Nothing really unusual. 4 pearls, squid ink, a bunch of coral, seaweed, and some snail shell, I think."

"I can't drink that!" I say.

"Come on! Just one sip? I want to see what is dose!" She pleads.

"If I throw up, I'm going to kill you."

"Kill me!?" She looks like she's about to cry.

"No! No! I won't actually kill you! It's just an expression!" I say.

"Not a very nice expression of you ask me." She says.

"Let me take a sip of the potion." I say. She wipes her eyes and hands me the bottle with a smile.

I take a sip and the drink washes over me. I tastes disgusting! I start coughing. She takes my hand and stabs it with a silver fork.


Just then, a spear strikes right through my stomach.

I scream out in pain. I look down, but there's nothing there, just pain. What's happening? Why is this going on?

The questions swirling around my head make the pain worse. I calm my thoughts. I fall to my knees in the pavement.

"Molly!" I hear Liam's voice say. I can only understand my name. Everything else sounds like talking underwater.

The spear is slowly being pulled out, I feel it, but don't see it.

I feel my vision getting blurry. Black spots start to block my vision.

'Jack! Stay awake!' I hear a familiar voice say. 'Jack! Please, don't go unconscious. Fight it! Fight it for her!'

I feel a pair of hands support my head and back. The hands were gentle, yet strong.

Right when the black dots fully cloud my vision and my hearing is fully slurred, something in me snaps and everything is gone. I can hear. I can see. I feel no pain.

Something wet falls onto my face as I look at crying Liam. Woah. Who is he? I've never seen him cry before.

"Liam don't cry." I say with a smile.

"What?" He says sniffing his nose. He lays my head down on his shoulder.

"I'm okay! I'm okay. Stop being such a drama queen." I laugh.

"I don't know what hit me. I just... I haven't been very nice to you in these past few years and I thought you were going to die."

"Oh Liam." I say sitting up. "You've been fine to me, noting to be ashamed about."

He stands up and holds his hand out for me to grab. I proudly grasp his wrist and he pulls me up.

He pulls me in and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Liam what are you doing?" I say trying to peel myself off.

"Just to say sorry like I mean it." Liam says. He reaches down and kisses me boldly on the lips.

I push him off as hard as I can.

"What the hell!?" I yell at him.

"What? We don't have our mates yet! We have noting to lose, only to gain." He smiles.

I growl at him. "I HAVE A MATE!" I yell in his face but then quickly cover my mouth. No one was supposed to know until Jack announces it to his pack.

"When did this happen!?" He yelps.

"My mate is going to kill you." I say putting my hands on my head pacing back and forth.

"No he's not. I can take him." He says. I stop my pacing and look at him like he's crazy.

"My mate is probably not afraid to beat up his best friend!" I yell. I continue pacing.

"Aaron is your mate?" He asks, probably hoping that's the case.

"Guess again." I say.

"Oh sh*t" He grabs his hair. "What if we just don't tell him?"

"I doesn't work like that, stupid! He already knows!"

"Where is he anyway?" He says.

"I know where. Your coming with me." I growl. I grab him by the ear and he shrieks out in pain.

"Let go!" He says. I let go of his ear and lead him into the forest. Once again I find myself walking though the forest to a forbidden place. I told myself that I'd never go back, but here I am.

She better not have touched him. But he cheated on me. But I cheated on him. Agh why is having a mate so hard!? I thought it was supposed to be easy!

"Molly where are we going?" Liam asks.

"Some where I don't want to be." I snap.

"Gosh." I hear him say under his breath. I roll my eyes.

"It's just through here." I say. I open up a sheet of vines to show a small lagoon.

I instantly hear her humming to herself and it makes me sick.

"Will you shut up already!?" I yell. Liam looks startled. She instantly stops singing. I turn the cornered rock to she a sight for sore eyes.

"So that's how you want it to be?" She narrows her eyes at me.

I feel power start to travel out from my core. I don't know why she has silver. She's the only person who knows what silver does to me.

"Where is he Melody." I snap.

"Who's that?" She says pointing to Liam. "He's cute."

"Where is he?" I repeat.

"Where is who?" She says with a innocent laugh.

"The guy you stabbed, with your stupid spear." I growl.

She giggles. "You mean him."

I turn to see Jack staring at me.

Then he looks at Liam.



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If I can't update tomorrow: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! <3 <3 <3

•~V~• •~C~• •~R~•
•~O~• •~O~• •~E~•
•~T~• •~M~• •~A~•
•~E~• •~M~• •~D~•
•~~~• •~E~• •~~~•
•~~~• •~N~• •~~~•
•~~~• •~T~• •~~~•

Love, Taylor <3

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