Chapter 9

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Molly's POV

People bow as Jack walks by. I smile and wave at him but when he sees me he just stares at the floor. I swear he's a new person everyday.

"Hello beautiful!" I turn to see Marc Lyle. The last person I wanted to see right now.

"Don't ever call me that." I say.

"Come on, babe. Want to come over to mine tonight so I can mark your sugar plum neck?" He asks freaking me out.

"You're disgusting." I say.

"One kiss?" He asks. I notice where his fingers are. Right where I want them.

Bang! I close my locker door on his fingers and run. I look back to see if he's coming but I run into a wall and my papers fly everywhere.

Nope. Not a wall. Jack.

"Watch where you're-" He says and I look up and our eyes lock. "I'm sorry." He says and starts to quickly walk away.

What was that?

So today he decides to ignore me, of all days. It must have been when he saw how ugly I am in the woods. I knew I should have just stayed in wolf form until I got home! What's wrong with me? I'm so stupid!

The bell rings. Great! Now I'm late! This day just keeps on getting better and better!

"We he bothering you?" Mark Lyle says.

"That's none of your business." I say tying to hide the fear. Something about the way he talks and looks makes you want to just go hide in the corner.

He picks me up by my throat and I can't get out of his grip.

"Don't sass me! I'm your future mate!" He says.

"Ack!" I yell because when you're being held up by your throat you can't really pronounce the 'j' very well.

I'm quickly running out of air and Jack isn't coming for me. I have to think quickly so I do the first thing that comes to mind.

Kick him where the sun don't shine.

He releases me, trembling in pain. I quickly grab my papers and run to my class room.

When I walk in everyone was staring at me.

"Sorry, I uh- had some issues getting here." I say.

"Take a seat." She says and continues her lesson. I'm an Alpha, so unless I'm like 20 minutes late for class, teachers don't give me tardies.

"Oh my god! What happened?" Emily whispers to me.

"Is that a hickey!?" Nicole whispers.

"What? No! It's a bruise. You know how I'm freaked out about those things." I whisper.

"Who gave it to you?" Emily whispers.

"It doesn't matter, it was an accident." I lie. They get very worried about me and the last thing I need is more people brought into the situation.

"Oh ok." Emily says. The teacher rambles on about pack history and I let my mind drift.

Why didn't Jack help me? Why was he ignoring me? Was he embarrassed to be seen with me? Am I really that ugly? I helped him yesterday, the least he could do is help me out. Is it about the thing that happened yesterday? His shirt was pretty long on me but he still saw how hideous I am. I'm such an idiot!

The bell rings and I quickly get out of there.


"Liam is so sweet! I was freaking out because of that huge rogue in the woods and Liam somehow calmed me down. He acted like I was the most expensive gem on the planet that he had to protect." Emily exaggerates.

School is now over and we're walking back to the pack house because my dad apparently needed to see me.

"I hate it how he loves you and hates us!" Nicole says.

"Well I love it!" Emily laughs.

"So how was Aaron?" I ask Nicole.

"We ran for a while and when we knew he wasn't on our tails we started talking. We just talked and talked and talked about ourselves and our lives and it was cool. I learned a lot." She says.

"For how long?" Emily asks.

"Probably 3 hours." Nicole says.

"What about you, Molly?" Emily says.

"Jack and I ran until the rogue wasn't in sight and then we parted our ways and I went straight home." I lie. This time I lie because no one deserves to know that I was nice to him and he was nice to me back. I'm just really mad at him right now.

"Ugh, I always hated Jack." Nicole says.

"He was the one who got us kicked out of Howling Canyon!" Emily says.

"And to think, I actually thought he was going to be nice to me." I say. The girls look at me like I have 2 heads.

"Why would you think that?" Nicole says rudely.

"He's nice to everyone else!" I say.

"Yeah but you're an Alpha, you two are naturally in constant competition." Emily says. She's not wrong, but not entirely right either.

"Whatever, I don't really want to talk about it anymore." I say.

We walk into the pack house and Emily and Nicole go upstairs while I go to my father's office. I knock three times on the door.

"Come in." My father says. I walk in and see my mother and father sitting in chairs with one left blank. "Sit." My dad says pointing at the blank seat.

Oh no. This can't be good. I sit and wait for them to start.

"As much as your mother and I don't want to face the facts, soon you will find you're mate and move out of this house." My dad starts off. I already don't like where this is going.

"And well, you're our only child... and you're father and I can't live forever." My mom says. Don't tell me...

"We need another Alpha to lead our pack so your mother and I brought you in here to say..."

"I'm pregnant with your little brother."

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