Chapter 11

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Molly's POV

"Come on Molly we're going to be late!" Nicole says.

"Oh please, we're going to be on time, but I know that means 'late' to you." I say.

"Wait, you missed a spot." Emily says. She takes a glob of mud and plops it on my back.

"Thanks, am I all covered up?" I ask.

"Yeah, now can we just go!?" Nicole says.

"Calm down, we're fine." I say and garb my stuff.

"I agree can we go already?" Emily says.

"Okay let's go." I say and we leap off towards the junk yard.

"Is Liam there yet?" Emily says between breaths.

"Yeah, he went with Jack and Aaron to help set up." Nicole says. We slow down and grab our place in the long line of wolves.

"Who's team do you think you'll be on?" Emily asks after about 5 minutes of waiting.

"I don't know, hopefully not Jack's." I say.

"I want to be on the Red team, they always give me blue." Nicole says.

That's when the sent intoxicated my nose. It was peppermint, vanilla, and peaches, and I just wanted to smell it all the time. I want it. I want to find where it's coming from.

But then my wolf says the one word I knew would change my life forever:


'Wait, he's here?' I say.

'Mate! Mate! Mate!' She hollers.

"Guys, my mate is here." Is say softly, but I know no one is listening because it's so loud out here from people talking and music blasting.

"Oh my god. That is amazing! You're so lucky!" Emily says, her grey wolf jumping up and down.

The line moved up quicker than I thought. We got to the entrance and and Liam straps a blue wristband on me. Oh great. Jack's team.

"I'm on the red team!" Nicole says.

"So am I!" Emily says.

"I'm on the blue team. Jack's team. But it doesn't matter because tonight is about finding my mate." I say.

"I hope he's not a jerk that rejects you." Nicole says.

"I'm just hoping he's not an Alpha." I say.

"I highly doubt it's an Alpha, there's only two of them here." Emily says.

"Tonight when we get home, I'm going to have a mate." I say in disbelief.

"You better take mental notes because we will be asking about every detail." Emily says.

Jack and Marc walk up to the spotlight and the place drops dead silent. The coin is flipped.

"And it's..." Jack says into the mic.
"TAILS! BLUE TEAM IS ON A ROLL!" He yells. He shifts into his wolf and once again, horny girls whistle at him.

"RED TEAM, HOLD UP. BLUE TEAM, TO THE WOODS!" Marc yells into the mic and shifts.

"See you later guys." I say.

"Go get him, tiger!" Emily says making me laugh.

I run into the woods with a set destination in mind. Nothing was stopping me. No looking back. No slowing down.

I run and run until I get to the mouth of the cave. I start to slow down and at the opening of the cave was the beautiful pond, looking even better now because it's half-moon and the light just dances perfectly off the water.

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