Chapter 23

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Molly's POV

"Who are you with?" Jack asks.

"I told those boys to go home and take a nap. They fear me enough to do as I say." She says looking down at her nails.

"Are you coming in?" Jack asks a little shaky.

"I don't see why I can't." She says. What? She kills her mate's best friend's mate, runs away for 16 years to be with vampires, comes back and assumes she can just walk right through? Oh no.

I open my mouth to object but Jack stops me.

"Sure, come on in." Jack says.

Jack grabs my hand. He still makes me feel tingles. Liam sprints off in the direction of the pack house.

Jack pulls me to the front door, his mother just inches away from me. Jack knocks and waits for someone to open the door. After 5 minutes, Jack knocked again.

The person who opens the door? None other than Alpha James, my father.

"What are you doing here?" I spit.

"I'd like to know the same thing." He narrows his eyes at me.

"Hello Alpha James." Jack's mom says.

My father goes wide-eyed in the sight of her.

"Hey, John. Theirs something you might want to see." My father calls in the house, still wide eyed.

Alpha John trots over and looks over my father's shoulder.

They both have the same wide-eyed expression. She must've been important to make two grown men act this way.

"I didn't think you would ever come back." Alpha John says. He steps around my dad and onto the front porch, staring straight at his ex-mate.

The two stare at each other for a long time. Jack wraps his arms around me, I know this must be shocking to him. I'm his mate, I'm here to support him.

"Rose." Alpha John finally says. He gently pushes her hair off of her shoulder, revealing and half a rose marking on her neck. Beautiful, elegant, extravagant, you can't help but stare.

"Where's the other half?" I stupidly say. Why can't I just keep my mouth shut?

"I gave it to Kate." My father says. "Your mother."

"16 years Roseallina. I think it's time you answer the question as to why you... put her to rest." Alpha John asks.

"It was my duty." She said simply. We all waited for her to reply as she chose her words carefully. "She told me that's what she wanted."

"No!" My father yells. "I won't believe it!" A single tear runs down his face.

Rose simply looks at him. "I didn't do it because she didn't want to be alive anymore. I did it so that her spirt could live in her daughter, Molly. A beautiful white wolf are you, just as your mother was." She said to me.

Suddenly, my body was taken over, by an unknown spirt. Not my wolf, I can control when she takes over, but something or someone else. I can't move my body, all I can do is see through my eyes.

"Hello James." The spirt says through me. She moves her/my hair of her/my shoulder to reveal half a rose. The other half of Rose's rose.

"Kate?" My father says.

"Take care of our daughter, James. I live through her. If you're ever feeling lonely, if you ever need me, I am here. I know you may not love your current wife, but treat her well. Treat her as you treated me. If anything promise me this, love your new son. Care for your new son. Nurture your new son. I will always be watching. I will always be in your heart. And I will always live in your daughters heart."

My body sifts to face Rose.

"Rose, I've missed you." The spirt hugs rose. "Be nice." She says.

Then she turns to Alpha John.

"Listen to your son. His mate is his mate, you can't change it so embrace it. Take care of her and love her like the daughter you never had."

Then she turns to Jack.

"Wow, you've grown up to be so handsome." Jack smiles. "Take care of my girl. Give her a rose. Nurse her when she's sick. Feed her when she's hungry. Don't overthink things." She raises her voice. "I didn't die for nothing." She gives Jack a hug, but during the hug she whispers. "I died to unite the packs." She lets go of Jack and looks him straight in the eyes.

And then she left.

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