Chapter 31

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The End 1/2

"Look there's a specific task that I was set out to do, and you're a big part of it so would you please, please, just help me?"

"Talia, this is crazy! Who even thought that all that could be even possible!?" Jack questioned.

"Our mom." She replied with a remorseful tone. Jack didn't respond. The room fell silent. So I spoke up.

"Please Jack, if not for the packs then do it for me." I say. His eyes are still wide and his shocked expression seems unchanging.

"How about we let him sleep on it." Marshall speaks from down the slide.

"No." Talia and I say at the same time. Marshall puts his hands up and smiles. I hope he knows he's not funny.

"You're not going to let me go about this, are you?" Jack says with a frown.

"Nope." I say with a smile and popping the 'p'.


"Yay!" I cheer and Talia and I high five.

"But when are we going to do it?" Jack says spoiling our fun.

Talia smirks. "I know exactly when."


"Molly, we can't pull this off. We're just kids!"

"We're not kids and I have full faith that we can do it." I say with the most enthusiastic smile I can find.

We're walking back home from Talia's place. We didn't actually go in of corse, I didn't exactly want my mate to get burned to death.

When Jack first found out that Taila and Marshall were my siblings, he denied it and said he didn't believe us but then I showed him that Talia is immune to silver like me.

"So the Winter Rave." He says.

"Yeah it was snowed out like 4 times." I say laughing a bit. He laughed too.

"Do you remember when we hated each other?" He says softly while he puts his arm around my shoulders. I giggle.

"Yeah. Looking back, it somehow brought us together." I say. "And being mates too but I think even if..."

"Even if we weren't mates we would still be together." He says finishing my thought. I wonder if he read it or if he actually thought the same thing I did.

"You know, I don't have a date to the Winter Rave." I say flashing him a smirk.

"You know I've been meaning to ask someone but I just can figure out who. Who do you think I should take?I'm stuck between Nicole and Emily." He says and I punch him in the arm playfully. He just laughs. "But really, you don't have a choice." He says and I laugh.

"I know. Not after the plan with my sister." I say.

"We should start." He says.

"Yeah I know. But can you and I just..."

"Yeah, before things get hectic." He says.


The next morning I woke up beside him in the tree house. Don't get the wrong idea, we didn't do anything more than cuddle.

We have to start moving if everything is going to go according to plan. So after talking strategy with Jack, I headed off to Kyle's pack house.

I said I should get him because a few weeks ago he drew a picture for me because his dad wanted to win my heart over even though he never wanted to.

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