Chapter 28

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The note doesn't scare me. And that kind of scares me. I pull the arrow out of the tree and put both notes in my back pocket. The silver makes my body feel much more powerful.

"Come out!" I yell. "I'm not afraid of you!"

"I know." A girl's voice says. I look around but she's no where in sight. "If you were scared, then why would you come back?" She adds a soft giggle at the end, clearly amusing herself and successfully allowing me to draw the conclusion that she is a lunatic.

"Who are you!?" I say holding up the arrow as my only defense.

"I don't think that's the right question. You should be asking what I can do for you. For what you want to do. I've got answers Molly." I hear a body landing from behind me. I spin around to see almost a mirror image of myself, except her hair is lighter, skin darker, and she has blue eyes. "I'm on your side."

"My side?" I ask. Her and I are about the same height, so I can look at her right at eye level. Though her telling me she's on 'my side,' I grip the arrow tighter.

"Your side." She confirms, but I'm still confused.

"How do you know me?" I ask. She grins.

"I've been waiting for a while now to finally meet you." She says.

"Who are you?"

"I've already got the gears turning in the first three. You just need to tell me when and I'll make it happen."

"Who are you?"

"Then we can finally do what she could never do." She says, with a far off look.

"Wait!" I yell, snapping her out of her thoughts. "What is going on? Who are you? How do you know me? What are the sides? Who's the she that couldn't do the thing? What's the thing?"

"You know, curiosity killed the cat." She says.

"I need answers." I snap.

"God, you are feisty. Would you lighten up? I'm not going to kill you." She says.

"Are you a werewolf?" I ask.

"Yep." She says popping the 'p'. I hold the arrow up to her.

"Start talking or I'll start burning." I say.

"Look, I'm just like you." She says. She snatches the arrow from my hand and holds it up. Her blue eyes glow with power. I'm in pure shock. I thought I was the only one.


Her response is pure laughter. She bends over and holds her stomach, she's laughing so hard. "Your...face." She says between gasps for breath. Her laughing goes on for a good 3 minutes before my patience is through.

"Hey!" I yell. Her laugh softens to a giggle and she looks up at me. Straightening up, she doesn't break eye contact.

"So, you seriously have no idea who I am." She says.

"No! Not the slightest!"

"Or why I'm here."


"Do you even know what answers your looking for?"

"I...I don't know, I think?" I say.

"You have a lot to catch up on." The girl sighs.

"Who are you?" I repeat for what feels like the one hundredth today.

"You know who I am." She scuffs. I take a step back from the girl.

"No. I don't." I say.

"I'm not even vaguely familiar!? Ask your wolf." She says.

"Why can't you just tell me your self?" I snap.

She takes a deep breath and looks me straight in the eye. The gesture doesn't frighten me, even though she's the one holding the silver, and if she's like me, is stronger than I am. "You're not looking...deep enough."

'Who is she? Do you know?' I ask my wolf.

'Talia.' She says in return. I blank for a second, I didn't expect my wolf to actually know! I look up at... Talia and she has a satisfied smug on her face.

'Are you-'

'Talia.' My wolf repeats. 'Trust Talia.'

"Trust Talia." I mumble looking back at her. A grin curls around her cheeks.

"Find Molly." She mumbles back and I feel my own mouth smiling.

Suddenly something snaps. I know her. I don't know how. I don't know when. Maybe in another life, but I have met her before. She seems familiar. So familiar you would think we were-

No. Impossible! I don't- Do I?

I look up at her and she's smiling at me. Obviously she knows something I don't, or maybe I do and I just don't want to admit it. I can almost hear the puzzle pieces of my mind clicking together. Coming to this realization brings up a lot more questions then it does answers.

Her grin turns to a smirk. "My name is Talia Bayton, and I am your sister."

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