Chapter 4

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Jack's POV

'Aaron, I need some help. There's one of us over by the creek and he's really messed up but I'm sure he'll be fine.' I say to my Beta through a mind link.

'Jack what's going on? How badly hurt is he?' Aaron says back.

'Emily said that he's passed out and has a broken arm but I think he's being a pussy.' I say though the mind link.

'Dude! He's hurt! What's going on up there where your brains supposed to be?' Aaron says with heavier breathing which I hope means he's running through the woods, but if he's banging someone I'll be just as satisfied.

'Ha. Ha. Very funny.' I say drily and sarcastically. He cuts off the mind link and seconds later trots up to me.

"I can't see anything with this stupid new moon." Aaron says. I know he's exaggerating to make a point, of course he can see. All warewolves have night vision, it just takes up a lot of our energy to use it. That's why nights like this, when it's a new moon, the game tends to end early because so many people get tired. But if a full moon lands on a Sunday, it's a tradition for every one to stay until midnight.

"So what do we do about him?" I ask.

"I guess we just, uh. Well. What do you do with an unconscious person?" Aaron asks back.

"I think we should find him cloths before he shifts back and is embarrassed by how small his thing is." I say with a chuckle.

"Jack, why can't you be serious for once in your life?" Aaron says.

"Relax, it was a joke." I say.

"No, Jack, that's the problem. Life is a joke, being Alpha is a joke, running the pack is a joke, every thing is a joke! Dude, I'm only saying this because I want what is right for you and what is right for the pack." Aaron says seriously.

"I can be serious." I say. "Hey look, that leaf looks like a butt." I say. Aaron glares at me. "Serious starting now." I say and give him an innocent smile.

"Come on, help me carry him back." Aaron says and rolls his eyes.

"Back where?" I ask.

"I don't know, back to the pack I guess." Aaron says and we head back into the woods with the guy in our arms.


"He's going to be fine, good thing you found him before morning because he would've probably been left behind." Our pack doctor says.

"Thank you doctor." I say.

"Your welcome Alpha Jack." He says. I turn around with Aaron and we climb the stairs until we reach the higher ranking living room. We sit on the plush sofa and I take out my phone.

"Can we talk about Molly?" Aaron all of a sudden. That kind of throws me off because he's doesn't like to talk about girls, actually he doesn't like to talk about anyone.

"What is there to talk about? We helped her out because it was the right thing to do." I say. That's a load of bs. I helped her because she a freaking white wolf and I don't want anyone to know but me. It might be selfish but I'm looking forward to some blackmail.

"I know, but what was with Marc Lyle?" Aaron says sounding a little worried.

"He's a horny idiot. Plus the only reason he likes her is for her pure whi- I mean Alpha blood." I say. That was a close one.

"I just don't want that to happen when we're not there." Aaron says.

"She's the best hunter I know, I barely think she needs our help." I say texting Liam. Aaron, Liam and I are best friends. We pretty much do everything together, but he's in one of our biggest rivals pack. Too bad our dads hate each other. Every one over there is so cool, plus they're the only pack out of the 5 that live in this area that has a female Alpha. If you know what I mean.

"She's not good of a hunter, I mean let's be honest, she's a girl." Aaron spits out.

"What the hell? It doesn't madder that she's a girl, she's the best hunter I know." I say.

"How do you know how well she hunts?" Aaron asks.

"She hunts in the no-mans land. I can smell it when she kills something. Trust me when I'm saying she's killing all the time." I say.

"That doesn't make her the best hunter." He says.

"Then what does?" I ask.

"I don't know, but it's probably based off more then just if you smell her in the woods or not. Which I can never smell her so I don't know what your talking about." He says. I roll my eyes.

"She masks her sent with mud, only an Alpha can smell her." I say.

"Her coat is such an ugly brown. Too bad because usually Alphas and pretty wolves." He says. Ha ha ha. He has no idea.

"Yeah that is too bad." I say while secretly laughing on the inside. We sit in silence for a few minutes while I'm still texting Liam about random crap.

"Well I'm going to bed." Aaron says and he runs up two flights of stairs to his room. I follow him up but instead I go into my Alpha room. I've got a king sized bed with huge windows and a balcony off my room. I've always only used one half of my room, even before I was 16, so that when my mate moves in, everything will be untouched. Don't judge, it's just who I am.

You can get your mate as early as 16 years old. The moon goddess decides when is the right time to find your mate. I haven't really thought about mates, I just know I don't want one. It's been like 6 months since my 16th birthday but I'm not scared. I trust the moon goddess to give me the perfect Luna, even if I have to wait for it. Hopefully she gives me way more time, having a mate seems like a total drag. They say it feels like electricity though your veins when you touch your mate but I highly doubt that. How could just touching someone have that much of an impact? It couldn't.

I'm just saying.


Hey! So Jack's POV!? Idk what do you think. I'm not a boy so I don't really know how boys talk when girls aren't around.


alessara12 has 2 books called Alpha, Jerk, and Mate and also Mate Found.

I love them both so much and she's an amazing writer and so supportive of me and she sooo deserves this!

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