Chapter 16

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Jack's POV

"Look Jack, that's you." Her thin, soft fingers point to a small infant in a beautiful women's arms.

"Is that my mom?" I ask the girl I consider my second bestest friend, after Aaron, of course.

"Yes Jack. She was very kind, like you." The 16 year old girl says. I'm sitting in her lap, like I always do, with a photo album.

"Where is she now?" I ask.

"I can't say, none of us have seen her since you were just a little pup." She says poking me in the tummy making me giggle.

"Rachel?" I say.

"Yes Jack?"

"What was her name?" I ask.

"You'll know soon Jack, you'll know soon."


"Molly, just listen to me!" I yell.

"What the hell, Jack!? I'm not 5!" She yells. Why does it hurt so badly!? It felt like someone ripping out my heart and leaving me to die!

"I just need to protect you! There are bad people out there!" I yell.

"I'm not afraid of Marc! He's not going to hurt me!" She yells in response.

"IM NOT TALKING ABOUT MARC!!" I scream. She stares me dead in the eyes with fury.

"Then who were you talking about?" She whispers in anger.

"Look Molly, I'm the least qualified person to be your mate. I thought I was just going to get some Omega that I could just reject, but then I saw you and my whole world changed. I knew that I would do anything-"

"I know you're avoiding the question." She growls.

"Molly I can't tell you." I say.

"What!? Why not!? I tell you everything! I don't really know why, but I do!" She whines.

"I just can't, okay!?" I say.

"But why? Why can't you tell me? I can take it I promise! Just tell me! Why can't you tell me?" She bugs me.

I sit down on the hard half-frozen dirt. I clench my fists. Molly gets into every square inch of my brain and just turns it to mush, and I actually love it! Why dose she do this to me!?

"Because I'm fucking terrified." I say.

Her face softens up and she sits next to me. She puts her arm around my shoulder. The ground is cold and wet and it's such a gloomy day outside. The air smells like rain and wet dirt and grass. We're sitting in the middle of a clearing in the woods about the size of a football field. It's almost winter so of course everything is already dead and its so cold outside.

"It's okay Jack, you can tell me when you're ready." She says. I smile I little bit, making her feel happy.

"There's this women." I say.

"Women?" She looks at me mysteriously. "How old?"

"I don't know. But I see her about once a week." I say. I look around to make sure no one else is anywhere in ear shot.

"Once a week? When?" She asks.

"In my dreams." She looks at me like I'm a crazy person. "No like I actually see her, she talks to me, I know her." I say. I have a feeling she believes me because you can tell when your mate is lying, and I'm not lying.

"Is she real?" She asks.

"I don't know." I say honestly. "But I know I've seen her before, somewhere. I just don't know where." I say. Molly looks off into the distance.

"What dose she look like?" She asks.

"For an older women like her, she is very beautiful, noting on you of course." Molly smirks at me. "Caramel hair, bluest eyes, and a welcoming smile." I look down in the palms of my hands for what felt like a long time. "But nonetheless, she terrifies the pee out of me. What if she's like dead or something, coming back to haunt me?"

She waits a long minute before speaking.

"There's a girl." She says.

"How old?"

"Our age. She's not a werewolf." She says. I look at re confused. When has she met any one other than a werewolf?

"What is she?" I ask.

"A mermaid." She says. A gust of wind dances across our faces. I wish I could say I was shocked, but the things I've seen break the rules much more than a mermaid.

After a few seconds of debating my self, I decide to say it.

"It all started with fairies." (Chapter 13)

"What?" She asks.

"Fairies." I repeat.

"No, what did the fairies start?" She asks.

"They told me a legend."

"And...?" She says gesturing for me to continue.

"That's it they told me a legend, then the weekly dreams with the weird lady started." I say.

"What did the legend talk about?" She asks.

"I can't tell you." I say. She looks at me and I just want to give in a tell her but I can't. I just like her too much. Maybe even love her? I don't even know what love is.

"Why not?" She snaps.

"Because I want to keep you safe." I say.

"Jack, stop talking nonsense. Just tell me!" She says.

"Molly, you don't understand, it will put your life in danger." I say.

"Put my life in danger? Their fairies! How life threatening can they possibly be?" She says.

I laugh. "It's not the fairies that are threatening, it's the legend they told."

"Jack, if it involves me, I'm going to find out eventually. Why not now?"

"I don't know if I'm strong enough to protect you." I say.

"I'm a strong girl. I've always got your back." She says with a smile that makes me give in.

"Okay, okay, the legend was first created by my great great great great great grandfather. As a boy, he used to play in the forest, and one day he found a witch's cottage. The trouble maker he was, he broke into the witches cottage and stole 5 potions. A blue, purple, green, yellow, and orange one. He drank them, but was disappointed to find the potions had no effect. Little did he know that the potions actually did have effect..."


Hey! To be continued in the next chapter! Sorry if this chapter was a little confusing!

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Love, Taylor

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