Reveal: Hibernation

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This one was a request, so you can thank bllover581 for the prompt. Here's a basic summary:

Merlin, due to the fact that he is a creature of magic, will hibernate if he gets too cold. On a hunting trip Merlin falls off his horse because he began hibernating. Lancelot tries to keep the knights calm, as he knows what's going on. Eventually the knights all cuddle Merlin to keep him warm and a druid finds them, deciding to help. Merlin's magic is revealed.

Also, I hope you don't mind, I added a bit of a backstory as well. I hope you enjoy it!

The first time it happened Merlin was six years old. Ealdor wasn't the warmest of towns, but it wasn't the coldest either. Most of the time, they were able to grow crops year round, due to the fact that their winters were usually like fall, maybe a few degrees colder. One winter, however, it got particularly cold. This was the first time Merlin ever saw snow.

Merlin had been playing outside with Will. When they woke up it was sunny, but the bite of the cold still got through even their many layers of clothes. They played outside, not noticing the gradual darkening of the sky, due to grey clouds that were sure to bring trouble. When the first snowflakes began to fall, they both stared at the sky amazed. They continued their game, laughing and playing now with the new found joy of the fluffy, white snowflakes falling on them.

Merlin, however, had been ignoring his body. He was cold, that much he was sure of. He felt his teeth start to chatter, but not wanting to ruin the fun, he suppressed the urge, reducing it to a shiver down his spine instead. He could see will was fine, and thinking that he would be frowned upon if he said he was too cold, he kept silent. Gradually, the shivers down his spine grew continuous, as he felt his eyes starting to droop. The first wave of drowsiness hit him hard, as he played in the few soft inches of snow on the ground.

Trying to suppress the tired feeling, he continued running after his best friend. He was slowing down a bit, as another wave of drowsiness made itself present. Fighting harder to keep his eyes open, he stopped, fingers and lips beginning to turn blue. Will noticed his friend's struggles, his smile falling, as he raced to his friend. Merlin fell to his knees right as Will made it to him, eyes closing, as he fell limp against his friend.

"Merlin?" The sandy haired boy cried, panic lacing his voice. "Merlin!" He cried again, this time shaking the raven. Will, stronger than most boys his age due to his father's training, scooped Merlin up running towards Hunith's house. He noticed the blue on the boy's fingers and lips, which only encouraged him to move faster.

Hunith had been baking in her house, humming to herself. A small smile adorned her face, as she thought about how happy Merlin would be with fresh bread. Her bread was his favorite, he always said so. Hunith always wanted to spoil her son, but they weren't the richest family around. Glad that she finally saved enough money to buy the ingredients for bread, she decided to surprise-

"Merlin?!" She gasped, as Will burst through the door, carrying her now blue son in his arms. She raced to him. "What happened?"

"I...I don't know! We were...we were just...we were just playing...and...and then...he just...he just collapsed!" Will stuttered(I read something that said this is the correct way to write someone stuttering).

"Bring him to the fire quickly! Gather all the blankets you can find, I'll write Gaius!" Hunith ordered. She rushed for a parchment and quill, quickly scribbling out what happened. Thankfully, there was a carter in town heading to Camelot. She raced out of the house after sealing the letter, making her way to the carter, who happened to be getting ready to leave.

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