Merthur: Merlin

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Ok here's part two of "Merthur: For Luck" I will try to make this as long as possible.

Merlin was headed to the King's chambers with a breakfast tray in hand. He was happy that they didn't have much planned today, this meant more time he got to spend with Arthur. He arrived at Arthur's chambers and set his breakfast down. He looked to the bed and realized Arthur wasn't there. He turned around when he heard the door close to see Arthur, not wearing a shirt, approaching him. He opened his mouth to speak when suddenly Arthur was kissing him passionately, and pulling him as close as he could. Merlin was surprised at first, but he kissed back nonetheless. His hands slid up Arthur's chest and soon made their way to his hair. He tugged at and tangled his fingers in his hair. Arthur was playfully fighting Merlin for dominance and eventually Merlin gave in. They finally broke apart for air, still holding each other.

"Good morning to you too, prat," Merlin laughed.

"Yes, good morning. As you know, I have no plans for today..." Arthur trailed off. Merlin nodded. "We're going hunting, with the knights. For a week." Arthur braced himself. Merlin pulled away from Arthur's hold.

"Arthur," Merlin whined. Arthur tried to kiss him again, only to have Merlin move away. "No, sire, you are going to suffer with me while we're hunting." Arthur pouted.

"But Merlin," now it was Arthur's turn to whine.

"No buts. Now, eat breakfast. Then we'll get you dressed." Arthur ate, got dressed-or rather, Merin dressed him- and started to pack supplies. He already sent word to the knights, so they should be ready. He sent Merlin to pack and prepare their horses.

Merlin had some good ideas to make Arthur suffer. The knights knew nothing of their relationship. Which meant, Arthur wouldn't be able to touch him at all. Merlin smirked inwardly, this was going to be fun.

~ Magical time skip ~

Arthur was walking to the horses when he realized how much trouble he was in. He realized this when he realized Merlin wasn't wearing his signature neckerchief. Shoot, he knows how much that drives me crazy. As if he read Arthur's mind, which he probably was, he looked at him and smirked.

"Is everyone ready?" Arthur asked, annoyed already. The knights -Leon, Lancelot, Elyan, Percival and Gwaine- all cast him wary looks as they nodded and started to ride. What confused them was when Merlin burst out laughing.

"What's happening? You know, I hate to be on the outside of an inside joke," Gwaine joked.

"Nothing," Arthur snapped.

"Arthur, calm down. I was just telling the truth!" Merlin grinned, this played out better than he expected.

"What truth?" Leon asked, looking between the two. There was something going on between them, and he wasn't the only one to come to that conclusion.

"Oh, you know. The truth about the extra hole in his belt," Merlin laughed and the other knights joined in. Arthur just glared.

"Merlin, I don't know how you're not dead yet," Elyan teased, after he calmed down.

"Yeah, you're playing a dangerous game," Percival agreed.

"More dangerous than him saving the King's backside every other day?" Lancelot questioned.

"The princess really can't defend himself!" Gwaine exclaimed, receiving a glare in return.

"Definitely more dangerous," Leon stated. The knights erupted into laughter and Merlin grinned while Arthur was mumbling something about not needing to be saved.

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