Reveal: Am I Going Crazy? Part one

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Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry it's been awhile, but I'm finally posting! I know I said I'd be posting a different one shot, but inspiration struck! I was inspired by a song, which I'm sure you'll figure out later anyways. Enjoy!

It hurts, was the first thought to register in Merlin's mind, as his sleep clouded brain tried to catch up. Every single one of Merlin's limbs and muscles ached painfully as he laid unmoving in the middle of the forest. Sluggishly, he opened his eyes, blinking as the sun shined brightly in his eyes. His vision was blurry as he looked at his surroundings. He felt the hard ground beneath him, rolling off of a root digging painfully into his back. He stood up, wobbling slightly as his vision cleared, slightly disoriented.

He didn't know what day it was, but he knew it was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon based on the position of the sun. Was anyone looking for him? He pondered this as he began walking east, towards Camelot, and searched the nearby plants for anything edible.

Something was off, though. He felt it. He stopped suddenly, remembering what had happened the night before...or at least the last time he was conscious. The familiar tingle under his skin was gone, preventing his eyes from turning the molten gold color that represented how special he was. He was shocked, realizing what it meant. It worked. He smiled sadly at the revelation, he had made the right decision no matter what anyone else said. No matter how much it had hurt. The feeling of distraughtness began to surface inside of him at the thought, but he shook his head, and shoved it away, along with all of the doubt lingering in his mind.

It was done.

There was no going back.


The king sat upon his throne anxiously. This was one of the only times anyone in the kingdom had seen him show fear, and the last time it was for the same reason. Merlin was in danger. Merlin had been missing for four days. He never missed a day of work, no matter how much he bugged Arthur about a day off. So when Merlin didn't show up with his signature, 'Rise and shine!' Arthur panicked. He looked for Merlin everywhere he could think of and sent knights out to search for him when he was nowhere to be found. His leg bounced, even now, four days later, as he twisted the ring on his finger. It was as clear as day what he was feeling.

Gaius wasn't really any better off. Sure, he did what he needed to do, but he was worried as well. The last conversation he had with Merlin was concerning. If he did what Gaius thought he did, he was in much more danger than anyone else suspected. He could only hope the boy wasn't that foolish, or that he at least had a way to defend himself.

It was then, as Arthur sat, fidgeting on his throne, and as Gaius stood in the council meeting with everyone else, that a knight burst in. It was Sir Gwaine.

"Sire!" He called urgently. Arthur's head shot up at the seriousness in the usually goofy knight's tone.

"Gwaine, what is it?" He asked nervously.

"It's Merlin, you and Gaius must come quickly!" He answered. Arthur shot off of his throne, and down the corridor towards the physician's chambers as Gaius and Gwaine followed swiftly behind.

Bursting through the door, Arthur saw Merlin sitting up on a cot talking to Percival. He was dirty, but otherwise not visibly hurt. He gasped, gaining the attention of the two, as he stood there gaping like a fish for a few seconds, his eyes taking in every single little detail of his best friend - his blue eyes, raven colored, messy hair, the dirt smudged on his cheek, his usual baggy attire on his lanky body... He snapped out of his daze, and rushed forward to hug the servant, burying his face in his neck.

"Merlin," he breathed, relief evident in his tone. Percival left the two alone as Merlin confusedly wrapped his arms around the king.

"Arthur? Are you alright?" Merlin questioned carefully. Arthur pulled back to look at his face and grabbed his chin. He turned Merlin's face, looking for any injuries.

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