Merthur: The Magic Plant Part 2

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(Guys...these comments are killing me 😂. I laughed so hard when I read some of them.)

So I was wondering, I've some author's do like a question with each chapter that they answer and then other people answer, would you guys want to do that? I feel like you guys know nothing about me so if you want to maybe I'll start doing it.

"Sorcerer!" Elyan and Leon hissed, drawing their swords. Arthur was sitting mouth open and wide eyed, staring at his so-called "best friend." Lancelot was quick to move in front of Merlin, drawing his sword which prompted Gwaine to do the same.

"Stop it, Merlin would never hurt you," Lancelot spoke, almost as if scolding a child.

"He's a sorcerer, that's treason!" Leon shot back.

"He's harmless! Look at him!" Gwaine pointed out. They all looked to see Merlin playing with a butterfly.

"He's still a sorcerer," Elyan shook his head, not wanting to believe them.

"Merlin's a sorcerer!" Arthur realized. He stood up moving in between his knights. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Sire, Merlin is...He's special. He was born with magic. He's been protecting you ever since he came to Camelot, he has saved you more times than I know of!" Lancelot defended.

"If Merlin wanted to hurt you, princess, he would have done so a long time ago," Gwaine added.

"What about the flower then? Is it actually magic? What happened earlier?" Arthur demanded.

"Well," Lancelot sighed, "I may have lied...It's actually a plant that affects animals or beings of magic."

"He's just a sorcerer," Leon reasoned.

"No, he's...he's a warlock. Look, Merlin would never hurt you guys. He's destined to protect Arthur, and has been since he met him! Just give him a chance!" Lancelot pleaded. Arthur sighed, looking defeated.

"Fine, one wrong move and I'll run him through on the spot," he answered. Lancelot and Gwaine sighed in relief while Arthur signalled the other two to put their swords away, which they did reluctantly. Merlin obliviously walked over, looking around at all of their tense expressions.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" He looked down pouting.

"No, Merlin. You didn't," Gwaine answered.

"Yay!" Merlin cheered. He jumped on Gwaine, hugging him. "Guys! We should play truth or dare!"

"Sure, Merlin, why not," Lancelot smiled softly at the warlock. The other three warily agreed. They all sat on logs by the fire, looking around awkwardly. Well, except for Merlin. He just ordered Arthur to start.

"Ok, Lancelot, truth or dare?" he asked with a roll of his eyes.

"Truth," he answered.

"How long have you known that Merlin is a sorcerer?" He spat grumpily. Merlin flinched innocently, as he hadn't expected the question. He pouted at Arthur adorably.

"I've known he was a warlock since he killed the griffin," Lancelot replied.

"What do you mean he-" Arthur began.

"You only get one question. Gwaine truth or dare?" Lancelot cut in.

"Dare," Gwaine smirked.

"I dare you tooooo...hmmm. I dare you to not eat any apples for the next 24 hours," Lancelot smirked back.

"WHAT?!" Gwaine shrieked. Momentarily forgetting their differences, everyone laughed at that. Gwaine really was obsessed with apples and ale. "Fine," he grumped, "Merlin, truth or dare?" Ah, that's why Arthur's mad.


"Kiss everyone in the group. Only one has to be on the lips," Gwaine said. He knew who Merlin would pick for that. Merlin nodded shyly. He was closest to Gwaine, so he leaned over and pecked his cheek sweetly. He blushed before standing up to do the same to Lancelot. Next was Leon, then Elyan. He was still blushing, adorably even though the knights wouldn't admit it. He turned to Arthur, who immediately knew what was going to happen. Merlin walked over to him and sat in his lap, which caused both men to blush severely. For a moment, Arthur forgot Merlin had magic. He was just Merlin, his sweet, idiotic manservant.

Merlin leaned in, and Arthur braced himself, hoping not to give in. When Merlin's lips touched his, he lost his self control, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around the other man. The kiss deepened, causing Arthur to rest his hands on Merlin's hips while Merlin's rested at the base of his neck. This kept kissing, though they didn't have to. Someone cleared their throat which brought them back to reality. They both blushed as Merlin got off of his lap, and Arthur rethought his life choices. Specifically, following his father's beliefs on magic and acting on those beliefs. They continued the game.


In the morning, Merlin was still affected by the plant. He was super hyper, he kept complimenting all of the knights. Though when he was around Arthur, he just got super flustered and shy. They stayed at their camp, since Merlin wasn't really in the right mindset for hunting. Lancelot was questioned, and he was able to explain a lot. Which helped sway Arthur's mind towards the idea of magic being good. That and the fact that Merlin kept using his magic for little innocent things. It really had nothing to do with the fact that Arthur loved the shade of gold in Merlin's eyes when he did magic, nothing at all. Around the same time of day that Merlin tripped on the plant, he came to again. He remembered everything that happened, which caused him to go into a state of embarrassed (gay) panic.

"Oh no," he said, more to himself than anyone else.

"What's wrong?" Lancelot and Gwaine asked at the same time.

"Arthur knows about my magic and I kissed him!" He cried.

"I'm sorry, Merlin," Lancelot sighed.

"You should probably talk to the princess," Gwaine told him. Merlin sighed, knowing he was right. He nodded, to them, mouthing to wish him luck as he walked over to the king.

"Arthur," he called.

"Yes, Merlin?" the king answered.

"Can I talk to you?" Merlin asked nervously. Arthur nodded, turning to walk away. Merlin followed hurriedly, wondering how his head was still attached to his body. They walked a little ways away from their camp, staring at each other awkwardly. Merlin averted his eyes, while Arthur was rocking onto the balls of his feet. There was a lot of tension in the air, that much was clear. After a few minutes of silence, Arthur decided someone needed to say something.

" have magic," he stated.

"Yes," Merlin answered simply.

"Lancelot told me everything he knows," Arthur told him.

"I know," Merlin responded. "I'm sorry. You've betrayed so many people, Arthur...The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. I...I love you, and I understand if you don't feel the same since I-" Merlin was cut off by a soft pair of lips pressing against his. He closed his eyes, easing into the kiss. Arthur pulled away, after a few seconds, resting his hand on Merlin's cheek.

"I love you too. From what I've seen and heard, I've decided magic isn't all bad and should be legal once again," he admitted, smiling. The grin Merlin sent him made him happy too. For once, Merlin thought that maybe, just maybe, hunting isn't so bad after all...

Ok so I feel like it was a weird ending, but I feel that way about a lot of my stories. So today, I had such a bad headache and I was so worried I wouldn't be able to post today since looking at my phone or computer made it so much worse. I took medicine and it didn't help, the only way it went away was when I fell asleep cuddling with my dog on the couch. I swear he's good luck. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it! >w<

-   some_crazy_potato

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