Merthur: For Luck

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Ok so here's a Merthur story, this one is when magic is allowed in Camelot, after Merlin revealed himself to Arthur, who is King.

Merlin was in a tough spot. I mean, being a manservant to your king that you happen to be in love with would be just that, right? Merlin walked to the king's chambers, breakfast in hand. He walked in, setting the King's breakfast on the table, and made his way to the curtains.

"Rise and shine!" he said happily, opening the curtains.

"Merlin," Arthur groaned, turning over to go back to sleep. He was shirtless of course.

"Oh no you don't," Merlin said, and with a flash of gold, the blankets were pulled towards the bottom of the bed, Arthur trying desperately to grab them, until they fell off. "Come on. You have training this morning and then you have the rest of the day off. You still have papers that need to be signed by tomorrow, though."

"Fine," Arthur groaned, irritated, and stretched. Merlin noticed the way Arthurs abs moved when he stretched and had to tear his eyes away.

"Breakfast is on the table, prat," he said, laying out the king's clothes for that day. He moved to the bed. He got lost in his thoughts, when a little while later a voice cut him out.

"-Merlin. Are you listening?"

"Uh, yes. Of course I was, sire."

"No you weren't, you never call me sire like that. I said 'It's time for you to help me get dressed,'"he laughed when Merlin huffed.

"The mighty Arthur Penndragon, can't even dress himself," Merlin muttered.

"I can!"

"Then why do I have to?" Merlin asked, skeptically.

"Because..."Because it's the only way I can feel your touch.

"Riiiiiight. I'll believe it when I see it." Merlin shook his head. Arthur had no idea how much it drove Merlin crazy, getting him dressed when in fact, he wanted to do the very opposite. Merlin helped the king put on his pants and shirt. He went to lace up the top of the shirt, and his fingers lightly brushed Arthur's collarbone. Arthur blushed and turned away. Merlin, being the respecting servant that he was, decided to read Arthurs mind, to see why exactly he was blushing. He was in Arthurs mind, a strange place. Merlin made sure to be undetected. He was still helping Arthur get dressed, while reading his thoughts. I wish I could kiss him. We could never be anyway, Merlin would probably be disgusted if I told him. I wonder why he covers everything but his hands and head, I would love to see him show a least a little skin. He drives me crazy. I wonder if he enchanted me. No, I wouldn't be able to stay away from him if that were the case. Although I'm having a hard enough time now. I just wanna slam him up against the wall and- Merlin heard enough. He could feel that his cheeks heated a bit, now light pink in color. He decided to tease Arthur about it. This will be fun. Merlin thought, laughing evilly in his head. Once he was finished getting Arthur in his armour, he started walking to the door. He was right in front of the door and turned around to face Arthur. Arthur was confused and suddenly Merlin had him pushed against the door. Merlin leaned in close enough that Arthur could feel his breath on his lips. Merlin kissed his cheek, ever so slowly, and then leaned over to his ear, gently brushing his lips against his earlobe, smirking when he felt Arthur shiver, and whispered seductively, "For luck." Then he moved away from Arthur, who's cheeks were red, and had a goofy smile on his face."Alright, sire, let's get you to training!" With that he walked out the door leaving a blushing Arthut behind.

~ Magical time skip ~

After training, Merlin proceeded to tease Arthur. He cast a glamour to conceal his scars, ditching his neckerchief. They were in Arthurs chambers and he was removing his armour. Everytime he touched Arthur though his shirt or on his skin, he let the touch linger a couple seconds too long. Merlin knew what he was doing, and he knew how much it was driving Arthur crazy. The day went on like this. Merlin kept "accidently" touching Arthur, or barely brushing his hand against his. By dinner Arthur had enough. After Merlin set his food down. He slammed him against the closest wall and nearly growled, "What the hell were you doing today Merlin?" Merlin smirked.
"What do you mean, sire"

"You know what." Merlin was listening to his thoughts again, he wanted to see how he did. Dammit! Now I can see his collarbone and it's driving me mad! He's been teasing me all day! I wish I could kiss him right now.

"You don't have to wish,"Merlin said before pressing his lips to Arthur's.  Arthur gasped, Merlin took this chance to slip his tongue in Arthur's mouth. Arthur kissed back, right after he got over the fact that he was kissing Merlin. Arthur had his arms on either side of Merlin's head, while Merlin had his hands tangled in Arthur's golden locks. They had to pull apart for air eventually. Wow. That was amazing.

"It was," Merlin agreed. It was then that Arthur realized Merlin had been reading his mind. He gaped.
"Merlin! Why were you-" he was cut off when Merlin kissed him again, switching their positions and pinning Arthur's arms above his head. Arthur forgot his anger. How could he be mad? Especially when he was shown this new side of Merlin. And he really liked this side.

And that's the end. I'm sorry if this sucks. Please let me know what you thinkand if you find any mistakes. I'll take requests as well. I'm going to try and make a part two, which will be longer hopefully. >w<

- some_crazy_potato

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