Merthur: Maybe Not So Bad After All/Morgana's Plan

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In this one, magic is legal Camelot, Morgana isn't evil and everyone knows about Merlin's magic. Plot: Morgana puts Merlin under a truth spell so her otp, Merthur, will finally become a reality. Also, which title is better? I couldn't decide so I put both. 

Merlin was currently hidden behind the divider in Morgana's room. It was only noon, and he'd been avoiding the King all day, at all costs. That includes hiding in the person that put him under the spell's chambers. He could hear how upset Arthur was, but he had a very good reason for hiding. Merlin did not want his secret being revealed to Arthur. Not his magic, the King already knew about that, but his feelings for the King. He was sure Arthur didn't feel the same. He was in love with Arthur, and that was a very bad thing. It was a 24-hour truth spell, and it was placed on him at around 8am, which means he still had 20 hours to go.

"Come out, Merlin," Morgana suppressed a laugh.

"Morgana! Please remove this spell!" he begged, well that was new.

"Oh come on. It's not that bad," she waved dismissively.

"Not that bad, huh? Well I'm sorry, are you under a truth spell and now avoiding your king/boss/the person you're in love with because you know they don't feel the same?!" Merlin glared.

"Oh, Merlin. I can't wait for this. Now shoo, go see your king," she guided him to the door, ignoring the glare.

"Ugh, I hate you," he grumbled.

"No, you love me," she said, pushing him out the door.

Merlin found himself standing in the corridor, Morgana's door having closed in his face. He sighed. This is very, very bad. He could, under no circumstance, tell Arthur how he feels. It would make it super awkward and he would probably lose his best friend. He walked in the direction of his and Gaius' chambers. Hopefully, he wouldn't see Arthur. He looked out a window he happened to be passing, and saw that it was noon. It was noon. Arthur's meant to be in a council meeting. That meant he had like an hour before Arthur would be back in his chambers. An hour to get chores done. He redirected himself. The prat had better not be in there, he thought. He walked into the King's chambers tentatively. He was clear. He began to tidy up, starting with the bed first. 15 minutes later, he was carrying Arhur's chainmail and sword to the table, when he accidentally bumped the table with the sword, and it wasn't exactly lightly.

"Well that wasn't very nice! What did the sword ever do to you? Would you like it if I banged you on the table," a sarcastic voice said from behind Merlin. He knew that voice, uh oh.

"Arthur! I um, don't uh, erm, I don't know how to answer that." Merlin spun around to face Arthur, blushing a deep shade of red.

"What do you- Oh. Oh," Arthur said, blushing as well.

"I uh, bye!" Merlin said heading for the door.

"What? You've been gone all day! Where've you been? The tavern?" Arthur questioned, grabbing Merlin's wrist to stop him.

"No, I've been avoiding you," Merlin smacked a hand over his mouth. He could have sworn seeing hurt flash across Arthur's face.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" Arthur asked, unable to stop the hurt lacing his voice.

"Truth spell! Bye!" Merlin blurted, before pulling his wrist from Arthur's grasp and running out the door. Merlin sprinted towards Gaius' chambers. He really needed to find a solution to this. He burst through the door panting and out of breath. He closed the door, walking over to Gaius who was currently brewing a potion. He raised an eyebrow at Merlin.

"Gaius! Help! Morgana put a truth spell on me for 24 hours and I still have 20 to go! She's trying to get me to tell Arthur that I'm in love with him even though I know he doesn't feel the same!" Merlin rambled. Much to Merlin's dismay, Gaius just started laughing. Hysterically.

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