Merthur: Draken Part 1

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AU where Arthur knows about Merlin's magic. Merlin is in love with Arthur. Arthur is in love with Merlin, but he hasn't realized it. The knights, Lancelot, Leon, Elyan, Percival, Gwaine, and Gwen know about both of their feelings for each other without either of them telling. Lancelot is with Gwen. Merlin sings for money, only his mom knows, under the alias Draken.

It was a normal day in Camelot. Well, as normal as it gets for a certain prince and servant. Merlin was tidying Arthur's chambers, while Arthur was working at his desk. Merlin was admiring Arthur while they worked, secretly looking at him whenever he could. His golden hair, eyes as blue as the sky, and- There was a knock at the door.

"Enter," the prince called.

"Merlin, I have a letter from your mother. She wrote that it was urgent on the outside of it, so I figured I'd give it to you now," Gaius said, running over to give Merlin the letter. Sure enough, on the outside of the parchment, To Merlin: Open as soon as possible, it's an urgent matter, was written in his mother's neat cursive.

"Thank you Gaius," Merlin opened the letter reading it thoroughly, as Gaius left. He reread it a few times to make sure he had his information right. It read:

My darling Draken,

I received a letter from Uther, the king of Camelot, yesterday. He knows not of your identity, but that I know who you are. They are holding a feast in celebration of the three-year anniversary of peace with an allying kingdom. He would like you, as Draken, to perform a song. I was to inform you that you are to 'arrive' in Camelot in two days' time, at noon. You will be rewarded a room in the castle and dine with the royal family. I hope you can make it unnoticed, and I hope you'll be able to keep your identity a secret. Good luck, my son.



Merlin's eyes widened. How was he supposed to leave and come back to Camelot without exposing his identity? He had to think of something. No one, and I mean no one, could find out who Draken was. A scrawny village boy dining with and performing for the royal family? Hopefully his costume would be enough. Merlin would be super embarrassed if the knights, or worse, Arthur found out who Draken really was. Maybe he could say he was visiting his mother. He was brought out of his thoughts by Arthur calling his name.

"Merlin? Idiot? Clotpole?" Arthur actually sounded concerned, and that's when Merlin was called from his thoughts.

"Oh. Um, yeah my uh, my mother's sick," Merlin lied, feigning worry. Contrary to popular belief, Merlin could lie perfectly, unless he didn't want to. In this case, he did.

"Is she alright? You should take some time off, go see her," Arthur basically ordered.

"Thank you, sire. Can I have the rest of the evening off the pack and prepare?" Merlin asked, this sure was easy.

"Of course. I wish her well," Arthur gave a small smile, which Merlin returned.

"Thank you, Arthur," Merlin bowed and left.

Merlin hurried out of the room, he had to act as if he was rushing to see his mother. He made it to the physician's chambers, aka his and Gaius' chambers, to tell Gaius the fake news. Gaius didn't suspect a thing. He hurried to pack his performance clothes. He had a week's worth of clothes always on hand, they were a lot nicer than his normal clothes so he would fit in with royal families. He technically was a lord, if you take the whole dragonlord thing into account. Of course, Uther could never know this. Still, he had to keep up appearances. He grabbed his mask as well. The mask was that of which you would wear to a masquerade. Everything except the eyes and mouth covered.

Merlin said goodbye to Gaius and left the city. He left the gates, and trekked into the woods. For now, he would camp in the woods, avoiding the Camelot patrols. Merlin walked for a while, just enjoying nature. He was walking off of the trails, for less of a chance of being seen. Merlin always had a deeper connection to nature. Animals always seemed to like him and befriend him. Before he met Will, animals were his only friends. As he walked, animals began following him.

Merlin had another secret. Not even his mother knew. Merlin could talk to animals. When seeing a squirrel, one might hear chirping. Merlin will hear words. Whether the animal is complaining about humans, which is more often than not, trying to find its family, trying to find food or water, Merlin will know. Which is why he hates hunting so much. Everyone else hears the animal crying out in pain, Merlin hears their last words. Merlin tried telling Will about his other gift once, but Will said it was freaky. Merlin then claimed that it was a joke, not wanting to be considered more of a "freak." So, he never told anyone else.

By now, night had fallen and Merlin was in his camp by the stream. He had cast a spell to conceal his tracks and his camp. He sang to all of his new animal friends, making them fall asleep. Merlin layed down as well, trying to think of a plan. Should he put a glamour over his voice? A glamour over his whole body? He fell asleep thinking about the days to come. He really hoped no one would recognize him, but alas, only time will tell. 

I really hope this doesn't suck. I'm sorry it's so short and for not posting last week. If you haven't noticed, I've been trying to post sometime from Thursday-Saturday. This is my first draft, I usually write these over the course of about four days, this one was like two so it's basically a first draft. The picture at the top has nothing to do with this story or methur but I thought it was cute. Anyways, thanks for reading. Again, sorry about the length. There will be a part two.

-  some_crazy_potato

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