Chapter 7

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As Peter and Tony are walking down the street, Peter will periodically ask Tony if he is feeling better but other than that they're walk was mostly silent. Peter was slowly getting more anxious the closer they were getting to the tower because the closer they were getting the more unreadable Tony's face was. 

When they got to the tower, Tony opened the door for Peter then put his hand on Peter's lower back to guide him towards one of the many elevators lining the floor. They stepped in and the doors closed, but Peter was a little confused seeing the elevator had no buttons.

Peter was a little startled as Tony's booming voice quietly said, "Fri, take us to my floor."

The elevator ride was just as quiet as their walk but the tension seemed to get thicker in the confined space. The elevator was moving quickly and soon stopped with a ding as the doors opened.

Peter didn't have enough time to gaze at all the open space and the fancy looking furniture before he was being led to a couch in the middle of a living room. Peter clumsily took a seat on the edge of the couch and faced Tony, who sat in a recliner across from the couch.

They sat in silence for what felt like hours, Tony staring Peter down with a calculated look resting his chin on his clasped hands, leaning forward, his elbows on his knees. With a dry gulp Peter started the conversation.

"So, what do yo-"

"I want to know what you're not telling me," Tony interrupted Peter with a steady tone, so contradicting from his earlier panic attack.

Peter couldn't meet Tony's eyes, not wanting to see the anger he feels radiating off the man as he answered, "What am I not telling you? I'll answer any questions you have."

"Don't play dumb with me, Peter," Tony raised his voice while standing up, "first a crazed villian shows up on our date and now someone is stalking and threatening you! There's something you're not telling me!"

Peter looked up, "I told you about Harry! I wouldn't lie to you, Tony. As for the stalker, I don't know anything about that. I'm just as surprised about that as you are."

Tony scoffed, "You wouldn't lie to me? Well guess what, you already have! You read our texts so that obviously means you took your phone with you on your little 'vacation'. I also tracked your phone and guess what else? It was still in your apartment! So you didn't go anywhere!"

Peter was shocked, "You tracked my phone? Invasion of privacy much! Do you not trust me at all?" he said also standing up.

"And you've given me so much reason to trust you?! I'm sure once you get bored of us you'll just leave and move on to the next guy with a big bank account, right?" Tony shouted before he could stop. He regretted saying it the moment Peter's face filled with pure hurt. These aren't the same tired eye that looked at him while remembering his fallen friend, his whole body is rigid. He looks like one gentle push and he'll shatter in a million pieces. His eyes are screaming at Tony, telling him he messed up.

Peter's gaze never waved as he asked in a soft, dejected tone, "Is that how little you think of me?"

Tony tried to reach out to Peter and apologize but Peter pushed him away.

"NO! You don't even know me! We went on one date and now I suddenly belong to you? If you really did care about me and actually wanted to know me, then you would know how much it destroys me to hear you say something like that!"

"Peter..." Tony says sadly.

Peter starts walking towards the elevator and says, "You know what, I think I'm just going to leave. It's obvious that you think of me as nothing more than a gold digger, just looking for a way to pass the time."

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