Chapter 9

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"Peter," the doctor said while sitting down, "I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but that's why I wanted to wait until your friends left."

Peter nodded slowly, his throat dry. No one was supposed to find out, if May knew. Oh god, May was going to kill him.

"Peter," the doctor whispered, placing a comforting hand on Peter's arm.

He heard the heart monitor start to slow down to a normal pace, well a normal pace for Peter but it seemed to satisfy the doctor.

The doctor retracted the hand as he started to talk again, "We might not know what the one on your arm means but it's obvious that the one on your chest is recent. The fact that you came to us extremely malnourished and have gone through about 10 IV's already gives us the impression that you are in an abusive situation. We can help you, Peter," he almost pleaded.

Peter held the doctor's gaze while he thought about his options, what this means his life could be. If they really could help him, get May arrested maybe then what was he hesitating for. He wouldn't have to walk on eggshells in his own home, he could finally take care of himself like he needs to. But she was still his aunt, still his only family left.

The doctor seemed to notice Peter's internal debate and added, "We have enough evidence here that the person who did this will be in jail for a long time."

That's all Peter needed to hear, that's all the convincing Peter should have needed. But he was still indecisively stuck. Be free from the torment, or just take the pain so he could still have someone. Someone to go home to, but she wouldn't worry if he didn't come back. She wasn't the same loving and caring aunt that she once was, something changed when Ben died. Now Peter realised, that Aunt May died with her husband, all that's left is a stranger.

Peter looked down and slowly nodded, "Okay," he croaked, "I want help.."


Tony was working in his lab all morning, waiting for visiting hours to start. There was a peaceful atmosphere despite recent events: AC/DC softly playing in the background, the smell of fresh coffee being brewed. Everything finally seemed to be calming down when Steve marched into the lab, very obviously distressed.

Tony looked up disinterested, "What? They cancel your favorite brand of old people cereal?"

Steve didn't say anything, just asked Friday to put up the news.

Abusive Aunt May Parker has been arrested today after doctors convinced her nephew, Peter Parker, to come forward and give a statement. It was then discovered she left 'reminders' of her nephew's crimes, as she so called them, in the form of scars on his body. It was also revealed-

"Friday, turn it off," Tony said quickly.

Both of them sat in silence until Steve spoke up, "Was he ever going to tell us?"

Tony sighed, "I don't know. I'm sure he would have if we had the chance to get closer with him, and if it was to a point he was scared for his life."

Steve hit the table he was leaning against in frustration, "He just can't get a break can he? The most caring person I know being treated like that! It makes me sick."

Tony got up and patted Steve's shoulder, "I know how you feel, that's also why I know you're not gonna like what I have to say next."

Steve crossed his shoulders and gave Tony a calculating glare, waiting for him to start talking again.

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