Chapter 14

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Peter couldn't focus on anything. He couldn't feel anything, the world was blurry and silent as he focused on the one clear thing in the room. The news article read: 'May Parker, released early! Doctors say she's reformed...' Peter couldn't read any more than that, his vision focusing on the dreaded words 'released early'.

Suddenly the tablet was out of his hands and he was looking at Tony, the man's lips were moving but he didn't hear anything. He felt like he was being lifted in the air but couldn't process much else. The harsh solid feeling of the stool was replaced as he was sat on something softer. He leaned into it as he felt something solid hug him from behind. His face felt warm and wet, moving his hands to rest on his face he could feel how terribly he was shaking. Then it felt like he was holding his breath, he didn't remember breathing in the first place.

With a push of air back in his lungs it's like his brain started to work again. Slowly his vision cleared first, noticing he had been moved to the couch. Upon further inspection he could see he was sat in Steve's lap with his legs draped across Tony's lap and saw Bruce's arms wrapped around his waist. Next came back his hearing: the subtle sounds of traffic from the streets below, sirens off in the distant, all the sounds of the city.

"Feeling better?" Steve asked softly.

Peter looked over trying to vocalize an answer only for it to catch in his throat. Instead Peter just shook his head and leaned into Steve and Bruce.

"We'll sit here until you're ready then," Steve said.


May thought it was a joke, she had only been in jail for about a month while there is still 10 years left on her sentence. She was escorted outside the prison to a sleek black SUV.

The window to the backseat was rolled down a man in the seat, "May Parker?"

May only nodded in response, an untrusting look in the man's direction.

"My boss has an offer for you, please enter the vehicle," like the car had a mind of it's own the rear door opened in front of her.

May shifted on her feet and crossed her arms, "Why would I do that? I don't know you."

"Because if you don't we can just put you back into prison."

Despite her gut telling her she should just go ahead and go back herself, this little sliver of freedom was too tempting. With one last push on her resolve, May stepped into the awaiting car.

"You've made the right choice, Ms. Parker," the man said.

May didn't respond her stomach twisting with unease.

"I'll cut it short for you, Ms. Parker. We need you to bring us your nephew, Peter."

May raised an eyebrow and scoffed, "What do you want him for?"

"You don't need to know that. Just know we will help set it up, all you have to do is play the part. Do that and we will clear your charges and give you all the money you could want."

May sat back in her seat and looked out the window, "I just don't get it, why me? You could have saved yourself the trouble and hired some thug off the street."

The man smirked, "Even after all you've done, Ms. Parker, Peter will do whatever it takes to protect you."


The boys were soon joined by other Avengers currently in the tower: Nat, Clint, and Sam. The group sat in the living room for most of the day having a movie marathon of Disney movies. Tony ordered in some pizza that they snacked on for lunch and eventually dinner. No one brought up the recent news, Peter not having spoken since he read those awful words.

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