Chapter 19

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He was pushed beyond his breaking point. They tested him and all of his abilities like he was a lab rat, making him last longer than the last test. The first day was by far the best day he's had in here. However many days it's been since that first day. They strapped him down to a chair, a block shoved into his mouth, and blinding pain being shot through his head. He knows they took away all remnants of his past, but they told him it was for his benefit so who was he to complain.

H.Y.D.R.A. was his sanctuary. The only people to give him a home. He should be grateful for everything they've done for him. If it wasn't for them he would still be with S.H.I.E.L.D. those people were monsters. Torturing him and experimenting on him, making him this mutant freak. That's what Sebastian tells him.

Sebastian also tells him that all these 'experiments' are just to train these powers. Make him strong enough to keep his power in check, he doesn't want to kill anyone he doesn't have to. Sebastian hates wasted energy.

The days blur, he can't remember how long it's been since he first sat in the chair. He can't remember the last time he's seen a calendar for that fact, a clock, anything to tell him the time or day. He sat in the emptiness of his 'room', a cell was more like it but it's better than what S.H.I.E.L.D. gave him, and thought about how his life came to be the way it is.

He goes on these missions for H.Y.D.R.A, killing S.H.I.E.L.D insurgents and he can't help but feel guilty for it. Something deep in his core is telling him that all this is wrong and that he should be doing something more with this life, but the last time he brought that up with Sebastian he was put through a harsh training session. What makes it all worse, he has a tally on his back for all the people he's killed. He gets back from a mission and they mark him with permanent ink, reminding him just how many sins he's made.

Nothing can be done to change things now, he knew there was no turning back after his first kill.


He was brought into an open space, nothing but blank walls stared back. Seats at the top like this was a place of many spectacles. The same guards that dragged him here were dragging a woman in front of him.

She was restrained, a piece of tape over her mouth so all that could be heard were muffled screams. The guards threw her onto the floor, being left to kneel in front of him. Her eyes widened in recognition, his remained cold and indifferent.

"Soldier!" Sebastian called from his seat, "Take care of this S.H.I.E.L.D agent, May Reilly."

One of the guards handed him their gun before taking a step back. He held the gun in his hand with practiced ease, quickly holding the barrel between the woman's eyes he turned off the safety. He stared into her eyes and something felt familiar about them, he was beyond confused when this woman started to cry and tremble. It was deemed he was taking too much time as he was struck between his shoulder blades.

He stumbled for a split second before regaining composure and looked the woman in the eye as he shot her. He didn't think about the blood that was splattered on him, nor did he think about how he watched the life drain from her eyes. All he could feel was this overwhelming sense of guilt and regret.


As she was his first, they wrote out her name on his back instead of a tally mark. Sometimes it feels like the letters are digging into his back, never letting him forget. He never forgets any of them.

He was pulled from his thoughts as a guard came through the door, Sebastian trailing in right after.

"Afternoon, Soldier," Sebastian spoke, "we have a new mission for you."

As soon as the door opened he was standing at attention, his gaze leveled and his posture rigid.

"Your target this time, the Avengers. Take them out and S.H.I.E.L.D will be no more."

Sebastian left with the guard, not waiting for his response. The door was left open so he could go and get his gear before getting dropped off at the target location. This is what he was supposedly made for, taking down S.H.I.E.L.D.


It's been five long years for the Avengers. One of their own was taken with no sign of him to ever return. He was wiped off the face of the earth, and no matter how many bases they raid they still can't find him.

Tony, Bruce, and Steve took it the hardest. The love of their life, a bright light of pure innocence and kindness taken from this world. They have found comfort with each other, but his loss still weighs heavy on their hearts.

All of their free time is spent looking for more clues, for anything to tell them that he is still alive. The others stopped trying three years ago, trying to think realistically. If he wasn't found there was no chance of ever seeing him again. The trio still held hope, they would never stop looking for him. They would never stop loving him.

So when FRIDAY interrupted their movie night, there was certainly some lost hope being found.

"Boss, there's been a sighting right outside of Queens," FRIDAY said while displaying street cam footage in place of their movie.

"Fri, is this real?" Tony asked with a wavering voice.

"Yes, boss. Peter Parker has been spotted with facial recognition near Queens. It seems his trajectory is Avenger's Tower."

The room was silent, no one believed that after five years the boy would walk back into their lives just like that.

"Buck," Steve asked quietly, "how likely is it that they just let him go? Or that he escaped somehow?"

"Slim to none, I think we should be prepared to subdue him," Bucky said with a sigh.

"So what, shoot first ask questions later?" Clint asked annoyed.

"I'm just saying, they messed with my head. Made me forget my past, my friends, my family, everything. No doubt they did the same to him and made themselves look like good people. I wouldn't doubt he doesn't even know how long he's been missing."

"So why would he be coming to the tower if he doesn't remember us?" Sam huffed.

"To kill the Avengers and rid the world of S.H.I.E.L.D once and for all," an all too familiar voice spoke from the shadows. Stepping into the light, they saw hair tied back into a braid. A similar suit to the Spider-Man suit, this one being completely black with a red octopus in place of the spider. Guns attached to his thighs and two swords strapped to his back.

"Peter?" Tony's voice weakly asked.

"I am the Winter Soldier-he drew a gun- I am the Red Death-he drew the other gun-and I shall kill you all or die trying."

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