Chapter 17

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Peter woke up the next morning and he already wants to go back to bed. Today is his final exam, this test will determine if he gets his PhD early or if he just has to suck it up and finish it out with the rest of his classmates.

There was a knock on his door and before he could respond all three boyfriends bounced into the room. Peter groaned at how peppy they are this early in the morning and covered his head with some covers.

"Nuh-uh, it's time to wake up, Petie-Pie!" Tony said while pulling back the covers.

Steve placed a tray on Peter's lap, a complete breakfast, "You have a big day today and a good breakfast is the way to start it off right!"

Peter glared at the tray until Bruce handed him the thing he really wanted, "I know these two can be a little much in the morning, especially when you haven't had any coffee," he said with a wink.

Peter perked up and sipped at the coffee, sounds of delight escaping his lips, "Bruce, I love you. So much."

Tony and Steve both pouted, "What about us?"

Peter took a few more sips of his coffee and said, "I love you both too. Thank you for the breakfast."

They immediately perked up and went on with the rest of their wonderful surprises, "Once you get done with your breakfast, come down to the living room," Steve said.

"We got more surprises for you!" Tony finished.

Peter giggled and waved the three men off before digging in. French toast, scrambled eggs, and some bacon on the side. A glass of orange juice and his newly acquired cup of coffee and Peter was enjoying being pampered just a little bit. With a content sigh, Peter placed the tray on the other side of the bed and made his way throughout the room getting ready for the day. Just as he was about to walk out the door, something stopped him. Looking back in the room, Peter's chest tightened and saw the letter he never got to finish. He didn't want to keep the guys waiting, so he decided he would take the letter with him and read it after he took his finals.

Walking out to the living room, Peter smiled as he saw Tony and Bruce holding a little poster saying, 'You got this!' stars and confetti glued in random spots. Steve was holding his messenger bag on the side with Nat and Clint holding wrapped presents.

"I packed your bag with pencils, pens, snacks. Anything you might need for your test!" Steve said as he slung the strap around Peter's neck.

"And these," Nat said shaking the present in her hands a little, "are for after you pass your exam."

Peter chuckled, "I really appreciate all this, I do, but don't you think it's a little much? I mean it's just a test."

"But this test is important! Besides, who doesn't like presents after a test?" Clint chuckled.

"I guess you're right," Peter said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Steve pulled Peter into a hug, "We are so proud of you, Peter." Peter's eyes started to water so he hid his face in Steve's chest.

He pulled away with a big smile, "Thank you," he turns and looks at everyone, "this is the best family I could've asked for."

Nat pulled him into a hug, 'For good luck' she reasoned. Clint ruffled his hair before being pulled into a hug. Walking towards the elevator, Peter stopped in front of each boyfriend, sharing a kiss for good luck, and walked out the elevator.

Stepping onto the street, the base of his neck started to burn. As carefully as he could, Peter looked in his peripheral trying to find out what made his senses go on edge. Nothing was wrong as far as he could tell: families and couples walking down the street, someone late for a meeting, another who seems heartbroken. His senses flared as he noticed the cop car that was tailing him. Peter slowed down to let the car catch up to him but not enough for it to be noticeable. The car slowed to a stop next to Peter, but he only kept walking until he heard someone called for him.

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